An offer

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In the house of the Arcs, the family of ten is seen sitting in the main room where they are celebrating the middle child Jeane Arc as she leaves for Beacon Academy in a month and be the first Arc this generation to attend a huntsman academy. She wants to be a huntsman like her ancestors but also to make her only brother proud of her as he wanted to be a huntsman but fate had other plans

Arc household 6 years ago

Jaune: Why! Why won't you let me follow my dreams?!

Arthur Arc: Jaune, it isn't a safe profession.

Mordred Arc: Son we don't you to get hurt. *sob* Please just listen.

Jaune: No, if you won't help me then I will do it all by myself!

After the fight he ran off to the woods to train himself. Whilst looking back to make sure he wasn't followed he didn't see the women he was about to hit. To most people this woman looked normal, but in fact t was a disguised Salem who felt his negativity and needed a right hand. She promised to teach Jaune, at first it was training, then it was learning about all while Salem used a spell on Jaune that would slowly make him a ruthless right hand man, soon he watched the Grimm he was allowed some control burn down villages as he stayed out of sight to avoid suspicion. Then one day he was assigned to go find Raven Branwen and make join Salem's side. This ended in failure as Raven was able to get away. When he returned to Evernight Castle the second he open the doors to the main hall he was knocked out.

Salem: Cinder, take him to the cliffs an example needs to be made.

Cinder: Yes my queen.

At the cliffs Jaune woke up to himself cover in tar with Salem looking at him unamused.

Jaune: Lady Salem?

Salem: I do not tolerate failure, whether it be from a lowly gun for hire or my right hand. This is your punishment. You are of no longer use I have found a new protege. Cinder if you would please dispose of the failure.

Cinder: With pleasure.

She lights Jaune on fire with a match (doesn't have maiden powers yet) and pushes him off the edge of the cliff. Jaune didn't even scream on the way down. Waking up on the side of the river down stream Jaune started to crawl out and three months later he made it back to the arc household where a tearful reunion would happen.

Arc household at his return

Arthur Arc is seen standing on the porch staring down the road hoping to his son come back.

Arthur: I'm so sorry Jaune.

As he says this he looks back down the road to see a figure stumbling towards them. Fearing the worst it was an apathy he was about to draw his weapon but stopped when he realized the figure was a human burnt head to toe.

Arthur: Cynthia!? Cynthia come quick someone needs help!

Cynthia: What do you mea- dear lord!

Her and Arthur run to the figure who collapsed as soon they were near but caught him before he hit the ground.

Cynthia: Sir! Sir! Are you alright?!

Burned man: Mother?

Arthur and Cynthia: J-Jaune?

After this they rushed him to the hospital in Vale where he is admitted for two months to allow his wounds to heal and to make there was no sepsis, but they also found they couldn't activate his Aura to help him heal. During those months he told his parents what he had done as under his time under Salem's influence he learnt his parents knew of her. After everything he told them he was welcomed back with open arms. He also asked to change his name as to have Salem believe he is dead and to protect his family. His name is now Joshua Graham.

The Burned ArcOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant