A date?

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Joshua is finishing up some paperwork before the weekend.

Joshua: Paperwork is evil.

Stacy: That it is my religious friend.

Joshua: Hello, Miss Six, sorry Stacy. Any packages for me?

Stacy: *le gasp* Did you make a joke?

Joshua: I know a bit about humor unlike Xiao Long. The amount of complaints regarding her jokes is staggering.

Stacy: I swear my pa never made jokes as bad as hers. Although one more joke about my last name and I'm ripping her arm off and hitting her with the wet end.

Joshua: I agree. What brings you here?

Stacy: Hmmm, what brought me here? Ha, do you want grab a coffee with me tomorrow, I know this coffee place called Caesar's coffee.

Joshua: The one owned by Edward Sallow?

Stacy: Yeah, you know the guy?

Joshua: I do, he's an anthropologist and linguistic from my home town. He recently had a brain tumor removed. It would be nice to see how he is recovering.

Stacy: Then it's settled. I'll meet you at the pads at 10 in the morning. Don't be late

Joshua: I won't. Not now. Not ever.

Next morning.

Joshua and Stacy are walking through the streets towards the coffee shop in relative silence when Stacy asks Joshua a question.

Stacy: So quick question what are your thoughts on Ozpin?

Joshua: I have never seen a man go rabid over hot chocolate.

Stacy: Wait What? Please tell me.

Joshua: Miss Goodwitch, myself and the council surprisingly had a call the other day with regards to his hot chocolate budget and we have reduced it drastically. When Ozpin was told about this things escalated quickly.


Ozpin is standing on his desk his eyes red pointing his cane at everyone.

Ozpin: You think you can just reduce my hot Coco budget?!

Goodwitch: Um... yes, we felt that the funds in that budget could be put to better use elsewhere.

Ozpin: My hot Coco! It's mine, all mine, my precious Coco! I am the Headmaster and-

Joshua appears behind him. Joshua uses pistol whip. It's super effective!

Joshua: *sigh* And you are a junkie for hot chocolate. I'll take him to the nurse Miss Goodwitch.

Joshua is seen dragging an unconscious Ozpin by his one leg. He walks Professor Port's class with it's door open.

With RWBY and JNPR after they saw Joshua dragging Ozpin.

Ruby: Umm, did I see Mr Graham pulling an unconscious Ozpin?

Weiss: It would seem so.

Blake: It looked weird.

Yang: I need context!!!

Jeane: The Headmaster probably deserved it.

Pyrrha: Why?

Jeane: My brother isn't quick to violence. Plus I heard him talking with Miss Goodwitch about a budget so?

Nora: What if pistol whipped the Headmaster because they reduced his hot chocolate budget and he went crazy!

Ren: Nora that wouldn't... never mind that actually sounds plausible.

Flashback end

Stacy: Ahh, that's why had an ice pack on his head the other day.

Joshua: It was. Here we are Caesar's coffee.

The two enter the shop and a bald man greets them

Edward: Ah, Joshua my boy! How are you?

Joshua: I am doing well, I'm a counselor at Beacon now and this here is my colleague Miss Six.

Caesar: Ah, Stacy haven't seen you in a bit

Stacy: Yeah, I the new survival teacher at Beacon. Work has kept me busy.

Edward: Haha, anyway what can I get you two?

Joshua/Stacy: Black coffee.

Edward: Alright, gimme a sec.

Joshua: How did your operation go?

Edward: Oh, it went well. Turns out the tumor was giving me mood swings.

Stacy: Ouch.

Joshua: And how is business?

Edward: With the festival coming, it's been busy. Here you two black coffees enjoy.

Joshua: Thank you. You can keep the change.

Edward: No, problem.

Joshua and Stacy find a table in the corner and sit down. Joshua maneuvers some bandages so he can drink from his straw.

Stacy: Why the straw?

Joshua: My face is sensitive to heat.

Stacy: Oh yeah, sorry.

Joshua: No worries. The other academies will arrive soon and I need to help Goodwitch in her class.

Stacy: Extra manpower?

Joshua: Yes and intimidation. They might think of this as a holiday so I will make they are reminded its not.

Stacy: What do you have in mind?

Joshua just chuckles softly kinda creeping Stacy out.

Joshua: Can't ruin the surprise now can we?

Stacy: You know I don't think I'll ever get used to your chuckles.

Joshua: Fair enough.

Stacy: Hey Joshua can I give you a nickname?

Joshua: You may, I know you enough that it bears no ill intent.

Stacy: Okay, Graham Cracker.

Joshua: *raising a burnt eyebrow* Might I ask the reason behind that name?

Stacy: Your last name is Graham and the sound your pistol makes is like a Crack. So Graham Cracker.

Joshua: Hehe, I quite like it, but it is only fair I give a nickname.

Joshua thinks for a bit

Joshua: I need more time to think of one

Stacy: No, biggie, let's walk and talk.

The two spend the rest of the day wandering around Vale and fortunately there was no Team RWBY causing havoc. They return to Beacon and before Joshua goes to his quarters Stacy stops him

Stacy: Hey Joshua!

Joshua: Yes?

Stacy: Thanks for the date today.

Joshua: You're welcome.

Stacy runs off and he enters his room when sudden realization hits him leaving him in a rare state of pure confusion.

Joshua: Wait what?

Chapter end

A/N: Our resident burned man had a date, what is in store? Seriously though I  hope this chapter is a good foundation for the relationship between Joshua and Stacy.

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