Rally to Interrogation

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After being told Team RWBY's plan Joshua and Stacy call a meeting with Ozpin.

Ozpin: What is the problem?

Joshua: We have a lead on a White Fang Rally happening tonight.

Stacy: We need to stop it.

Ozpin: And how exactly?

Joshua: Leave that to me. Hehe

His chuckle unnerves Ozpin, Stacy not as much.

Stacy: You get used his chuckle. I gotta go call the police chief and organize this.


As the last Fang member enters the building, Swat Teams move in and block all but one exit. Beacon students are around as well. They have been brought along to learn and assist, but are still under watch.

Ruby: This is so exciting!

Weiss: Quiet you dolt!

Yang: Why are they only blocking the exits, just go in and arrest them.

Blake: I actually don't know.

Meanwhile with the White Fang

A fully-masked man with tattoos standing starts speaking before the large sheet emblazoned with the bloody wolf and claw marks.

White Fang Lieutenant: Thank you all for coming. For those of you who are joining us for the first time tonight, allow me to introduce a very special comrade of ours! I can assure you, he is the key to obtaining what we have fought for for so long!

The dark pants and brown shoes step forward before the orange tip of the Melodic Cudgel taps on the stage. The camera pans up to reveal none other than Roman, smiling confidently even as the crowd starts protesting.

Roman: Thank you, thank you! (As he speaks, Neopolitan walks out from behind the sheet.) Please, hold your applause!

Antler Faunus: What's a human doing here?!

Roman: I'm glad you asked, "Deerie"! Now, I'll be the first to admit, humans... are the worst. (Salutes as an example.) Case in point. So, I understand why you would like to see us all locked away, or, better yet, killed!

Roman: But, before the claws come out, I'd like to mention the fact that you and I all have a common enemy: the ones in control, the people pulling the strings, the dirty, rotten humans that run our kingdoms! (As the crowd changes their tune and starts agreeing with him.) Government, military, even the schools: they're all to blame for your lot in life! And they're all pests that need to be dealt with! Fortunately, I'm the best exterminator around... No offense to any rodents in the room.

With a snap of the fingers, the curtain falls, and the whole mass of Faunus are silent at what's infront of them. A single man wrapped in bandages with eyes that hold righteousness in them.

Joshua: waging war against good people is bad for the soul. This may not seem important to you now, but it's the most important thing I've said

Roman: You! How did you get in here and where's the Paladin?

Joshua: I bring a message to all faunus in here.

After hearing this some faunus take off their masks and head to the unblocked exit and are apprehend calmly. They're being charged with conspiracy to join a terrorist group, but they accept their arrest.

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