A dream and saved soul

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It is currently nighttime at Evernight Castle and The queen of the Grimm is sleeping (not that she needs to). She is sleeping peacefully until she starts tossing and turning slightly. What's causing this? Well a dream she is having of course!

Inside Salem's dream.

To Salem this dream started differently than others, where most of her dreams started with her either killing the gods or Ozpin, this one had her standing in nothing but a black void yet she could still see her hands.

Salem: Hmm, Interesting.

She just wanders through the void for a few minutes until a small flicker catches her attention. She walks towards it and slowly sees that it's just a small almost dead fire. Deciding to put it out, she goes  to stomp onto it to extinguish the frail flames, but before she can, the flames erupt into a giant fireball before completely disappearing. This however doesn't faze her at all.

Salem: How peculiar.

She ponders on what just happened till a voice interrupts her thoughts.

???: Judgement comes for you.

She spins around and launches a blast of magic at the direction the voice came from, and to her surprise a man covered in flames just stands there, his skin bubbling, and burning from the flames on them.

???: Not now, but one day...

Another blast is thrown. Nothing happens to the man.

???: You will stand before the Lord for final Judgement.

Salem grows frustrated by this

Salem: WHY... WON'T... YOU... DIE!!!???

The man does not respond, but instead he just walks up to her and grabs her shoulders. Salem tries escape his grip but then she feels something... something that she hasn't felt in centuries, pain. She continues to try and break free of his grip but she still can't.

She looks at the man and tries threatening him.

Salem: Listen to me whatever you are! I can kill you with a flick of my wrist! You are but an insect to me!

???: Yet you already killed me all those years ago.

Salem is confused by the response, but tries asking him, for some information.

Salem: Really then? Well, in that case who are you?

???: No one, not anymore.

Salem not satisfied with the answer tries again.

Salem: Who are you and what is this about!?

???: I am but a man. A man who has done many a shameful deeds, and this is a warning.

Salem: About what? You are yet to give your name to me!

???: It is a warning that he is going to stop you and your plans.

Salem: Was that a threat, supposed to scare me, and who is "He"?

The flames on the man just grow larger and brighter until Salem's world is blinded by the light.

Back in the real world.

Salem shoots up from her bed, sweating slightly and breathing heavily. She looks around to see she is still in her quarters.

Salem: Just a dream.

Sighing, she gets ready for the day. As she gets ready to put her robes on she notices that her shoulders are sore, she looks in the mirror to see that her shoulders have been burnt mildly. She tries to use her magic to heal the burns but nothing happens. Seeing this she remembers the figure on fire making her frown.

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