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Drax, Peter, Natalie, Gamora and Groot were walking inside the ship, it was dark and nobody can barley see, however Peter was holding onto Natalie's hand as he continued forward guiding her.

"I can barley see," Drax announced voicing everyone's thoughts.

Just then Groot had opened up his palm as little fireflies came out of his hand. Natalie released Peter's hand, much to his dismay as she looked around at all the fireflies with a smile on her face.

Peter was staring at Natalie looking awestruck at the phenomenon. He couldn't help but smile before his attention was on the group again.

"When did you learn to do that?" Drax asked amazed.

"I'm pretty sure the answer is "I am Groot." Peter said causing Natalie to laugh out loud.

Peter looked over at her as he forgot she could understand the humanoid tree. Groot himself even let out a smile.

"What? What did I say?" Peter asked as Natalie was trying to contain her laughter.

"You forgot my star lord that I understand Groot and what you just said Groot understands too, you said in that I am Groot order, I eat ass,"

"What?! No I didn't!" He shouted embarrassed causing Natalie to laugh again.

"Babe I know Groot language and I can 100% guarantee you said I eat ass," She laughs causing Drax to laugh as well. 

"MY LADY! You have brought me in good spirits!" He bellowed as Natalie chuckled looking back at him with a smile. 

"I'm glad I can amuse you Drax," 

"You never fail to do so," he smiles as she smiled back at him. 

"Its the smiling back part I do not like," Peter mumbled causing Natalie to roll her eyes.

"The flight deck is three hundred meters this way," Gamora said getting the group back on topic. 

" I want you all to know that I am grateful for your acceptance after my blunders and almost getting my lady Udonta killed. It is pleasing to once again have friends. You, Quill, are my friend Lady Udonta you are my best friend and as I am your protector, " Drax said causing Peter to look back at him. 

"Thanks, hey Drax you know Yondu is the same race as Natalie hence father and daughter and i dont see you calling him sir or his protector," Peter pointed out. 

"Yondu is...... how do I put it without offending my lady?" 

"Drax, its not like imma tell my dad what you say about him,"

"Well.... hes ugly and your pretty which is why I serve you more than Yondu,"

"Dude you just called my Fiancé pretty right in front of her Fiancé!" 

"I told you I dont have feelings for her Quill, my one true love is within the stars who I shall see after the battle with Ronan,"

"And my one true love is standing right beside me, no need to be jealous about anything Pete it'll always be you," She said grabbing onto his arm causing him to smile. 

"God I love you,"

"I love you too Pete,"

"I am Groot," he said with a smile on his face. 

"Awww thanks Groot,"

"What he say?"

"That were a cute couple,"

While the group was almost to the Dark Astor they were cut off by Nebula who stood there looking angry and upset with her weapon in hand. 

"Gamora, look at what you have done. You have always been weak. You stupid, traitorous-" Nebula was cut off as Drax fires a shot at Nebula sending her flying off. 

"Nobody talks to my friends like that," Drax says as everyone turns to look at him. 

"Head to the flight deck. Natalie and I will shut down the power to the security doors," Gamora said grabbing onto Natalie's hand as the two were running to the security doors. 


Back at the ground where Yondu Udonta was standing with a crashed ship Sakaaran soldiers were coming up to him. He looked around noticing he was surrounded.

"Yondu Udonta. Order your men to turn on the Nova Corps or we go after that sexy daughter of yours and have some fun with her before killing her," He smiles as Yondu looked at them like he was crazy. 

"Are you really threatening my daughter? Do you know who the hell I am? And for you to be speaking that  way about my daughter in front of her father?" Yondu questions as the Sakaaran looked a little frightened as  Yondu starts whistling which activates his arrow  to start floating up. 

"Enough nonsense, Ravager! Time to die than its her time to go right after you!" he yells as  Yondu whistles again setting off his arrow. 

He made sure to start with him first as it pierced a hole through his chest following everyone else that was behind him including the ships that were above him as well. The arrow flew back to his hands once the whole army was killed. Yondu walked over to the dead Sakaaran and kneeled down against his body. 

"What's the matter? Not talking shit now are ya? Nobody threatens my love bug and gets away with it without death," Yondu said before getting up as he was walking away.


"Gamora wait!" Natalie yelled as Gamora came to a halt. 

She turned to face Natalie who was looking at Nebula who was putting herself back together. As her head turned to her real sister. 

"Nebula, please, lets not fight," 

"Nah, its not you I want dead right now," She said looking right at Natalie. "I see you replaced me with this blue whore as your sister and for that she must die,"

"Gamora," Natalie said smirking before looking over at her. "Get those security doors open, I got Nebula,"

"But Natalie, shes too strong, even for you," 

"I'm okay with dying Gamora, if it means saving the galaxy," she smiled as Gamora had tears in her eyes. 

"Natalie what about Peter?"

"He will be fine, please just go Gamora! GO!" She shouted as Gamora hesitated before running past the two.

"So you think as a Udonta you can just waltz in here and steal my sister from me?" Nebula asked walking towards her weapons raised. 

"I'm more of a sister to her than you'll ever be bitch," she said smiling causing her to growl as she ran towards her. 

The Daughter of Yondu (Peter Quill)Where stories live. Discover now