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"What?!" Peter whisper yelled who was back in Natalie's room explaining what happened.

"Peter let's leave my father he can't make me marry someone I don't love,"

"That's a God damn fact we're leaving tonight and when we get the orb we go to Brooker to sell it to him and never go back to Yondu it's you and me baby,"

"Forever?" She smiles up at him.

"Forever," he says leaning down to kiss her passionately on the lips.


Everyone was asleep on the ship accept for Natalie. She was wide awake with a packed bag waiting for Peter with the signal. He's going to check every room to make sure everyone's asleep and give her the signal to come out.

She waited patiently for awhile until a soft knock was heard as she got up and opened the door to see Peter.

"Hey baby, the cost is clear, what's wrong?" Peter asked noticing that she bit her lip and she always did that when she was nervous.

"Pete, im leaving the man that raised me for 26 years.... He loves me to death and this will break his heart,"

"But he's forcing you to marry someone you don't even want Natalie, that's not fair on you. He's kept you imprisoned for the longest time it's time to let him go, come with me," Peter said searching her eyes as he grabbed her arms and rubbed them up and down as a tear fell out before she nodded her head.

"Your right Peter.... Let's go, let's leave this ship,"

"There's my girl," he said pecking her on the lips.

Peter went to grab her hand as the two snuck out of the ship and into the escape pod room where the ship was. However, before Peter could get Natalie into the ship, a whistle was heard from behind them causing her to freeze.

"Dad," she quickly says turning around to face her father with his weapon out in his hand.

"Where do you think your going sweat pea? If you think I wasn't watching the security cameras your wrong,"

"Dad.... I-Im leaving with Peter to Morag and there's nothing you can do about it, I'm 26 years old,"

"But the marriage-"

"Is something that you want dad not me..... Please understand dad your suffocating me and won't let me live my life,"

Yondu had a hurtful expression on his face when she said he was suffocating her. For 26 years all Yondu did was love and care for her yet that was suffering to her? It was quiet as Natalie did have a look of guilt as she looked down.

"Nothing will change my mind dad..... I'm leaving with Peter to get the orb,"

"Fine, just know if you leave off this ship I cannot protect you no matter how many times you call out my name, you decided to leave, you decided 26 years with me was suffocating you, you didn't understand the values of why I've protected you so many years, so go on leave with Peter but don't expect to come back," Yondu said turning his back on her.

"Dad wait-" she began but he cut her off.

"It's Yondu, no traitorous flesh and blood of mine gets to call me dad or father anymore assuming as how I failed at being that," and with that he walked away without another word.

Tears pricked in Natalie's eyes as arms wrapped around hers.

"It'll be okay babe,"

"Did you see the look in his eyes Peter?" She whispered before releasing him as she got into the ship as Peter sighed and followed behind her.

The ship ride to the planet was quiet, Peter has been glancing at his gloomy girlfriend as he sighed.

"Natalie, the good news is your free," he says with a smile grabbing onto her hand. "And no longer under his control, and you don't need to get married to someone you don't love,"

"True Peter," she said dryly before taking her hand away from him.

He sighed but then had one more idea to make her smile as he played there song the last time she was on the ship with him. She couldn't help but smile as Hooked on a Feeling played throughout the speakers.

"There she is the smile I was hoping for, you remember this don't you?"

"How can I forget, this is when you asked me to be your girlfriend,"

"And you know what?" Peter asked putting the ship on autopilot.

"It was the best day of my life when you said yes,"

"Peter," she said standing up from her seat walking to him as she sat on his lap. "Make love to me Peter,"

"You don't have to ask me twice," he said putting his lips upon hers while Hooked on a feeling could be heard from galaxies away.

The Daughter of Yondu (Peter Quill)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora