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"We'd trust you a lot more if you told us what this was. Because I'm guessing it's some kind of weapon," Peter said as Natalie got up and put the orb on the table.

"I don't know what it is," Gamora replies as Drax walks in the room and greets Natalie with a smile before picking up the orb.

"My lady, If it's a weapon, we should use it against Ronan," Drax announced looking at Natalie.

"Put it down, you fool! You'll destroy us all!" Gamora yelled getting in Drax face.

"Or just you, murderess!" Drax yelled back standing in front of her face. "Don't think your spared just because my lady won't let me kill you!"

"I let you live once, princess!" She yelled back as Natalie covered her ears.

She hated fighting, couldn't stand the sight of it.

"I am not a princess!"

"Hey! Nobody is killing anybody on OUR ship! We're stuck together until we get the money. Then we all go our separate ways!" Peter yelled as  Drax throws the orb to Peter.

Natalie uncovered her ears as Peter looked over at her to make sure she was okay as she nodded her head. He smiles and throws the orb back at her who catches it.

"I have no interest in money... Just protecting Natalie," he said before he walks off.

"Great. That means more money for the three of us," Peter said.

"I am Groot," Groot said causing Natalie to laugh.

"What? What did he say?"

"He counts too Peter," she replies giggling as Peter rolled his eyes and sighed.

"For the four of us. Partners?" Peter asked turning to Gamora.

"We have an agreement, but I would never be partners with the likes of you. I'll tell the buyer we're on our way. And Quill, Udonta, your ship is filthy," She said as she turns and walks up the stairs.

Peter smirks before wrapping an arm around Natalie.

"Oh she has no idea of the things Natalie and I do on this ship,"

"Peter! Don't tell!" She yells blushing as Peter laughed and kissed her cheek.

"I love it when you blush it's so cute making you embarrassed,"

Rocket shook his head.

"You got issues, Quill,"


Natalie and Peter were back in their shared bedroom loving each other's company.

"Okay so, we have to think about wedding plans when, where and who's coming and when to send out invitations,"

"Well, I got the where part," she says smiling at Peter.


"I was thinking more of the lines of Earth,"

"Earth? Like Terra? My home planet? Why there?"

"Well, number one your from there and number two I've always wanted to visit earth, sure my dad has stopped there here and there but never allowed me to go with him,"

"Yeah but..... Natalie sweetie your..... Your blue," Peter pointed out causing her to look at him.

"So? What does that have to do with anything?"

"Well, earth is filled with.... How do I put it..... Normal looking people like me,"

"Normal? So I'm not normal?"

"No baby that's not... Not what I'm saying your normal, perfect the way you are but  if people on Earth saw a beautiful, sexy, gorgeous blue alien they might freak out a little bit,"

"Well then let's make it a private wedding with no humans around!"

"Babe... Terra.... Is not a good place to get married it's where my mom died, I don't plan on stepping back on Earth anytime soon,"

Natalie couldn't help but look sad as she got out of Peter's arms.

"Okay Peter I get it Earth is a terrible Idea," she said before leaving and slamming his door shut.

Natalie found the others on the ship as she went over to them. Drax went towards her as soon as he saw her.

"My lady you seemed troubled,"

"I'm okay just a little argument between Peter and I,"

"I remember when my wife and I would argue with each other, and you wanna know what happened afterwords?"

"Ummm.... Sure?"

"Rough make up sex, it was the best thing that ever happened after any argument,"

"TMI.... Dude,"

"T M I? What is that my lady?" Drax asked absolutely confused.

Natalie giggled.

"TMI is short for Too much information it's basically when someone tells something that's a little too personal,"

"Oh!" Drax bellowed with a laugh. "TMI! I GET IT!' He laughs as Natalie laughed with him.

"What's with all the laughter?" Peter asked with crossed arms.


"It's actually called TMI Drax remember?"

"TMI? What is that my lady?"

"She literally just explained it to you 5 seconds ago," Peter said pointing at Natalie.


Both Peter and Natalie slapped their foreheads in frustration.

"Heads up! We're inbound!" Rocket said as they all watch as they head towards Knowhere which looks like a giant severed-head.

"Woh," Peter said amazed as he grabbed onto Natalie's hand.

"What is it?" Natalie asked taking her hand back as she was still upset with Peter.

She also didn't see the hurt look he had in his eyes either.

"It's called Knowhere. The severed head of an ancient celestial being. Be wary headed in, rodent. There are no regulations whatsoever here," Gamora explains as the Milano enter Knowhere, Mining Colony.

"Hundreds of years ago, the Tivan Group sent workers in to mine the organic matter within the skull. The bone, brain tissue, spinal fluid. All rare resources, highly valued in black markets across the galaxy. It's dangerous and illegal work, suitable only for outlaws," Gamora continues to explain as the group walking around in the streets of Knowhere.

"Well, I come from a planet of outlaws. Billy the Kid, Bonnie and Clyde and John Stamos. You can think of Natalie and I as outlaws like Bonnie and Clyde 2.0,"

"It sounds like a place which I would like to visit," Drax announced.

"You should," Peter agrees looking over at Natalie who was looking around the planet. "Because it's also the place Natalie and I plan to get married in," Peter announced causing Natalie to turn to him with eyes wide and a giant smile on her face.

The Daughter of Yondu (Peter Quill)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum