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"You betrayed me! Steal my money! Corrupted my daughter!" Yondu yelled as he was beating up Peter.

Natalie had tears in her eyes after every punch Yondu made to his stomach as he grunted each time.

"DAD STOP IT! LEAVE HIM ALONE!" She shouted struggling against the men that was holding her.

"Now I'm your daddy again huh? I thought you hated me huh Natalie?!" He yelled kicking Peter now with every sentence.

"DAD PLEASE! YOUR HURTING HIM! PLEASE STOP IM SORRY FOR WHAT I SAID!" She cried out just before Yondu can land another punch in the ribs.

He looked over at his daughter and narrowed his eyes at her.

"What was that love bug?"

"I'm sorry..... I'm sorry dad I don't hate you I just wanted you to feel the same feeling I was feeling.... Please don't hurt Peter anymore I'll do whatever you want,"

"Natalie don't," Peter struggled to say blood coming out of his lips.

"Whatever I want huh love bug? Does that include staying on the ship? And marrying Kraglin?"

"Dad.... Your still on about that?" Natalie asked raising an eyebrow as Peter smirked.

"Why is that a problem?"

"Yeah dick face.... She's already engaged to me," Peter said as Yondu's eyes widened as he slowly turned to face him with a shocked expression.

"What you say to me boy?"

"I said.... She's engaged to me, were getting married on Terra,"

This infuriated Yondu as anger boiled within him. He punched Peter in the stomach again as he double over in pain.

"DAD!" Natalie cried trying to get out of the men's grip but they gripped onto her tighter.

It's one thing being in a Relationship with Peter but being Engaged to him is another story to Yondu. He growled as he grabbed onto his face with his hands.

"When I picked you up as a kid, these boys wanted to eat you. They ain't never tasted Terran before. I saved your life! I only brought you to keep Natalie company in a friendly way! 26 years later your suddenly engaged to her?! Boy you realize I'm the only father who's capable of loving his daughter I'm the only one that she needs in her life,"

"That's a God damn lie! Your not the only one who loves her! Because I love her!" Peter yelled causing the crew to go silent.

"Your her father, your supposed to support who your daughter chooses to be in love with, chooses to be in a relationship with and chooses who she marries!" He declared but was far from finished with his speech about her.

"I've been with her in secret for 8 years Yondu and you can't even be happy for us! I'm getting married to your daughter because she completes me, she makes me whole, she's my salvation, she's full of life and curiosity, she's freaking adorable and I can't imagine my life without her!" He spits in his face as his eyes were focused on him as he continued.

"She doesn't love Kraglin and you can't make her marry someone she doesn't want! You may not like it or want me as her husband but it doesn't matter what you want it's what we want!" Peter finishes causing Yondu to frown deeper as anger overtook him again and slapped Peter.

"Beautiful speech boy, but your not suited to marry my daughter," he says whistling as the Yaka Arrow showed up and pointed at his throat.

"DADDY STOP IT PLEASE! Listen to me! Don't kill him! If you kill him you kill me! I'm not living without Peter!"

He thought about it for a moment looking over at his daughter who has a look of fear and a pleading look in her eyes.

"Dad please.... If anything Ronan has something called an Infinity Stone. In the orb that you wanted," Natalie begins trying to save her lovers life.

"I know what he's got love bug why do you think I had Peter to retrieve it in the first place?"

"Then you know we must get it back! Dad, he's gonna use it to wipe out Xandar. We have to warn them. Billions of people will perish. Including me. Is that what you want?" She asks as Yondu thought about it again.

And the simple answer was no. He didn't want his only child to die, he loves her with all his heart and only wants whats best for her. He sighed before looking at Peter as his only focus wasn't that he was about to get killed, but he was looking at his daughter with love and want in his eyes. Yondu was hating it.

"Sorry, boy. But a captain's gotta teach his men and daughter what happens to those that cross him,"

"NO! NO DAD I BEG YOU!" Natalie shouted crying as despite the men holding her she fell to her knees tears in her eyes.

She didn't wanna watch the man she loves die in the hands of her controlling father.

"If you kill me now, you are saying goodbye to the biggest score you have ever seen," Peter said just before it could pierce his throat.

"The Stone? I hope you got something better than that. Because ain't nobody stealing from Ronan!"

"We got a ringer," he says with a smile.

"Is that right?" Yondu asks looking back at him.

"She knows everything there is to know about Ronan. His ships, his army, he's vulnerable," Peter says causing Natalie to sniff as she stands back up again.

"Hey, what do you say, Yondu, huh? Me and you, taking down a mark side-by-side, like the old days. With Natalie," Peter says as Yondu hesitates as he thinks for a moment, glancing back and forth between him and his daughter then he whistles and his weapon moves from Peter's throat.

Yondu and his men start to laugh and Peter and Natalie joins in as the men let her go too.

"Let him go! Oh! You always did have a scrote, boy! That's why I kept you on as a young'un!" He says as Peter was released and once he was released Natalie ran straight towards him with open arms as the two held onto each other like the world was ending. Yondu was seeing this as his eyes soften just for a moment.

He realizes maybe it's not such a bad idea that those two are getting married, he sees the way he looks at her and the way she looks at him.... It was the same look Yondu gave when it came to her mother.

Just then his thoughts were ruined as the ship shakes as it gets hit by something. Yondu, Quill, Natalie, Kraglin and the others run to the bridge.

"Attention, idiots. The lunatic on top of this craft is holding a Hadron Enforcer," Rocket's voice came as  Drax was in a space suit standing on top of the Milano holding a weapon. "It's a weapon of my own design,"

"What the hell?" Yondu says shocked.

"If you don't hand over our companions now, he's gonna tear your ship a new one. A very big new one!"

"I ain't buying it," Yondu says shaking his head.

"Uhh Dad you might wanna listen to him Rocket is uhh... Known for blowing stuff up," Natalie says as Yondu looks over at her with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm giving you to the count of five. Five, four, three!"

Natalie quickly grabs the radio comm to talk back to Rocket before he could reach number one.

"Rocket, it's me, Natalie! For God sakes! We figured it out! We're fine!"

"Oh, hey, Udonta. What's going on? How's the father daughter reunion goin?" Rocket asked causing Natalie to sigh.

A/N: two updates in one day because I love you guys!

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