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Peter never ran so fast before in his life. He saw a giving tree and a raccoon walking down the stairs with a bag over the top trees shoulders.

"HEY!" Peter yelled. "HEY GIVE ME BACK MY GIRL!" Peter yelled and just when he got closer a bag was thrown over his head too.

"Hey! Let me out!"

"Alright Groot we got our prizes!" Rocket cheered.

However it was short lived when Peter cut his way out of the bag and did the same for Natalie. He kicked the Raccoon and the two ran off to find Gamora. They soon found her pushing people and running off with the orb however Peter aimed his gun and stunned her from the distance.

"Bingo," Peter said as Natalie went to grab the orb in her hand.

However once she successfully retrieved it a beam of light shot up from the sky as her, Peter, the racoon, tree and Gamora was being beamed up.

She looked over at Peter frightened she's never been arrested before.

"The authority of the Nova Corps, you are all under arrest, for endangerment to life and the destruction of property,"

Soon the Nova corps came and grabbed onto them.

"Hey if it isn't star prince," one man who took Peter said with a smile.

Peter rolled his eyes.

"Star-Lord, and be careful with my girlfriend," he said as Natalie was hissing as the people backed away from her.

"You and the blue chick? How does that work?"

"Well when two people get in a relationship and fall in love you make it work,"

The next thing Peter knew Natalie has jumped on a Nova Core head and started attacking him.

"NATALIE NO!" Peter shouted trying to reach her but the guards pulled him back, and the next thing he knew a bolt of electricity flew in her body. "NO STOP ITS FATAL TO HER KIND!" He said struggling to get out just as she dropped to the ground.

"NATALIE!" Peter yelled in fear as he punched the guy holding him and got out of the other guys grip but before he could reach her he too was electrocuted.


The five were handcuffed as Natalie was walking slowly getting very tired of being electrocuted, not only is it dangerous and can cause immediate death, it can also cause extreme tiredness throughout her whole body as well. They were each in line waiting for Corpsman Dey to evaluate them. Gamora was up first.

"Gamora. Surgically modified and trained as a living weapon. The adopted daughter of the Mad Titan, Thanos. Recently, Thanos lent her and her sister Nebula out to Ronan, which leads us to believe that Thanos and Ronan are working together," He says as she rolls her eyes in annoyance. 

Up next was Rocket. 

"Subject 89P13. Calls itself Rocket. The result of illegal genetic and cybernetic experiments on a lower life form,"

"What the hell is that?" Saal asked referring to Groot who looked down at them and blinked in curiosity

"They call it Groot. A humanoid plant that's been traveling recently as 89P13's personal house plant slash muscle,."

Up next was Natalie as she was pushed inside but she didn't bother to fight back shes been electrocuted  twice in one day and just wants sleep to regenerate her body. 

"Ah, there she is, Natalie Udonta," Dey said smiling at her as Saal looked over at him. 

"Whats her story?"

"Oh shes the daughter of the wanted Revenger Criminal Yondu Udonta, according to her history Yondu always kept her locked up thinking he's saving his daughter from the world but thats not the case, he was really hiding her from us, he knew that if we knew he had his daughter we wouldn't hesitate to capture her to turn him over to us to her kind getting electrocuted is very fatal, I personally give you permission to electrocute her as much as possible she should of have stayed with daddy," he smiles just as they let her walk away with the others.  

Next was Peter's turn. 

"Peter Jason Quill, from Terra. Raised from youth by  the Ravagers, led by Yondu Udonta. It is also believed he is dating Natalie Udonta too, man I can just imagine the look on Yondu's face when he found out," he chuckled just as Peter winds up his middle finger and flips the bird at them.

"That's for hurting my girl earlier and this," He said putting up two middle fingers at them. "That's because I hate you all so much," 

"What a bunch of a-holes. Transport all five to the Kyln,"

"Hey Natalie," Peter says as Natalie was in front of him walking in a line to go inside the Kyln the highest prison security it has to offer. 

"Hmmm?" She answered tiredly. 

"Are you okay? Babe you haven't been the same since this morning,"

"Getting shocked twice in one day really tires out the body Peter,"

"Will you be okay?"

"After some sleep yes,"

"I guess most of Nova Corps wanna uphold the laws, but these ones here, they're corrupt and cruel. But, hey, that's not my problem. I ain't gonna be here long. I've escaped 22 prisons, this one's no different. You're lucky the broad showed up, because otherwise, me and Groot would be collecting that bounty right now on you two, and you'd both be getting drawn and quartered by Yondu and those Ravagers," the raccoon announced interrupting the conversation. 

"I dont know about Peter but my dad couldn't hurt me, I'm his princess," 

"Not anymore Princess, your bounty is set to dead or alive but alive for Peter," Rocket explained as Natalie's eyes widened in shock. 

"Dead or alive?" Both her and Peter said together. 

"Yup, the description read it for her,"

"My own dad wouldn't care if I died?" She whispered looking down. 

"I've had a lot of folks try to kill me over the years. I ain't about to be brought down by a tree and a talking raccoon,"

"Oh yeah? What about your girlfriend? She ain't in the same boat?"

"Her dad kept her locked away on the ship never to go anywhere, so no Rocket shes not on the same boat,"

"So how is she here with us now?"

"I tried sneaking off the ship with Peter, my dad caught us but he didn't really try to stop us said some hurtful things and now I'm wanted dead or alive does that answer your question Raccoon?"

"What's a raccoon?" Rocket asked looking up at Natalie, but before she could answer Peter beat her to it. 

""What's a raccoon?" It's what you are, stupid,"

"Pete!" Natalie snapped looking angry at her boyfriend. 

"What? How can he not know that?"

"Don't need to be rude to him! You dont know what he's been through,"

"Thank you Natalie, I might actually like you in this hell hole, ain't no thing like me but me,"  he said as they were being led to their cell. 

Peter rolled his eyes just as Natalie smiled at him. 

"Oh great I got competition with a talking Raccoon," he mumbled shaking hi head as Natalie only rolled her eyes at the comment. 

The Daughter of Yondu (Peter Quill)Where stories live. Discover now