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Peace. Is what Natalie was feeling. It was Peace. She felt like she was floating in darkness as memories flooded in her head, times with her dad when she was little to her and Peter having a happy life together.

Peter. Man she would be leaving him behind and she didn't even get to tell him that she loves him or say goodbye to him.  Natalie could feel herself fully losing consciousness as her heart beat was slowing down by the minute.

Peter Quill didn't know what he was feeling seeing his fiancè slip out in space. His eyes were glossy, his eyes were widened as memories of Natalie filled his head. His heart felt like it split into four pieces all at once.

"Quill, come on. Her body mods should keep her alive a couple more minutes maybe less but there's nothing we can do for her. These pods aren't meant to be out here. In a second, we're gonna be in the same boat," Rocket warns before turning his pod away.

"He's right Peter, I'm sorry I couldn't stop Nebula in time," Gamora also says before turning and leaving.

"I'm not..... I refuse to leave her, I'm not like you I fucking love that woman out there no way in hell would I leave her knowing I could save her life," Peter said tears running down his face.

"Quill?" Gamora asks in shock. "She wouldn't want you to do this!"

"I'm not letting her die on me!" Peter yelled before placing a call. "Yondu! Yondu! This is Quill! My coordinates are 2-2-7-K-3-2-4! If you want me and Natalie come and get us!" Peter said determined to save her life.

"Quill? Quill, what are you doing?!" Rocket yelled in shock.

"Just outside Knowhere. If you're there, come get us," Peter said before putting on his mask.

"PETER NO!" Gamora yelled as Peter got out of his escape pod and went over to Natalie's floating body.

When Peter went to get her she was cold. She looked lifeless as he put his mask on Natalie's face. He waited as his own face started to wither away. A few seconds go by as Natalie released a breath as a lone tear went down his face as he smiled.

"P-Peter," Natalie said coughing to regain her breathing again. "Peter no! No! Please you can't die take it back! I'm okay.... I'm okay with dying!" Natalie said but before she could react the helmet off a beam of light shot up.

The two were now on Yondu's ship as they both took equally deep breaths together.

"Peter.... You are the most stupidest, annoying man I have ever met.... But I love you," Natalie said before Peter could respond her lips were already on his as he melted into the kiss.

"Thank you Peter, from the bottom of my heart,"

"I saw you out there and I knew I couldn't lose you, you mean the world to me Natalie I would gladly lay my life down for you because I love you," Peter said placing some loose strand of hair behind her ear as her eyes searched his.

"I feel the same way Peter, let's promise each other never to sacrifice our lives for each other again," she said causing him to smile as his eyes soften.

"I promise Mrs. Quill," he said causing a big grin to go on her face as she giggled.

"Natalie Quill, I like that a lot actually,"

"Good because baby once your my wife there is no holding back," he said wiggling his eyebrows causing a laugh to erupt from her.

However the laugh was cut short as the doors busted open revealing her dad and his men.

"Welcome home you two," Kraglin said with a smile.

"Hope you enjoyed your time out there love bug because you ain't going to go out there again," her dad said with a grin before grabbing both Natalie and Peter by the arms.


"YOU SHUT UP! I didn't waste 26 years of my life for my only child to think it's okay to betray me!"


"YOU SHUT UP! THIS IS YOUR FAULT TO BEGIN WITH!" He shouted at Peter. "You corrupted my daughter!"

"No dad that's not true! I love Peter for who he is! And besides if anything it's your fault! You introduced me to Peter! We fell in love with each other dad your going to have to accept that!"

"I ain't accepting shit!" He shouted before backhanding Natalie as Peter's eyes went wide.

"YOU SON OF A-" Peter shouted trying to get to Yondu but was held back by his men that grabbed a hold of him.

Natalie couldn't believe her dad just slapped her in the face, he's never once shown violence against her as tears went down her face. She looked at her father for once scared and afraid of him. Yondu saw this and instantly regretted it.

He never wanted his daughter to look at him like he was a monster. He only wanted to love and care for her like he promised her mother all those years ago.

"Natalie..... Natalie I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me..... I'm sorry truly I am," he apologized but Natalie looked at him in anger this time.

"I hate you Yondu," she spit causing his eyes to widen. "Your dead to me,"

Yondu Udonta feared those words coming out of his own daughters mouth one day and today happened to be that day. He never wanted her to hate him, flashes of when she was younger saying 'I love you Papa' as she ran to hug him ran through his mind multiple times. He truly felt like he failed as a father and for a split second Natalie began regretting those words she said herself. Seeing the hurt, defeated look in his eyes made her just want to run to him and apologize. After all this was the man who raised her, and he did one hell of a good job at it too.

Only she wasn't going to let him know that just yet. No she wanted him to feel the same pain that she was going through with him. So she kept her mouth shut and didn't bother looking at him in the eyes again.

A/n: thank you all for the wonderful comments and the votes truly love and appreciate all of you!

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