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"And finally, on the wall back there is a black panel. Blinky yellow light," Rocket continues to explain as a square panel in the back has a flashing yellow light atop it. "Do you see it?" He asked as the group looked over at it and nodded.

"Yeah Rocket we do," Natalie nodded in agreement.

"There's a quarnyx battery behind it. Purplish box, green wires. To get into that watchtower, I definitely need it," he said nodding his head.

While nobody was watching, Groot is walking towards the watchtower. Natalie seems to notice as she stood up.

"Natalie what's up?" Peter asks.

"Umm guys-" she tries to warn but Gamora cut her off.

"How are we supposed to do that?"

"Well, supposedly, these bald-bodies find you both attractive. So, maybe you two can work out some sort of trade," Rocket said causing her attention to turn from Groot to him.

"WHAT?!" Her and Peter yelled at the same time.

"You must be joking," Gamora said crossing her arms.

"No, I really heard they find you both attractive,"

"MY FIANCE is not doing any trade of some sort for her body! It belongs to me! Gamora could but not my Natalie!" Peter says shaking his head upset.

"Look, it's 20 feet up in the air, and it's in the middle of the most heavily-guarded part of the prison. It's impossible to get up there without being seen," Natalie pointed out as  Groot now begins growing so he can reach said battery.

"I got one plan, and that plan requires a frickin' quarnyx battery, so figure it out! Can I get back to it?!" Rocket yelled as Natalie, Peter and Gamora said nothing as he continued. "Thanks. Now, this is important. Once the battery is removed, everything is gonna slam into emergency mode," he says as Groot is attempting to pull the battery off the wall. "Once we have it, we gotta move quickly, so you definitely need to get that last," he said just as Groot gives a sharp tug, and the lights turn off, an emergency alarm sounding in the background.

Rocket, Natalie, Gamora and Peter Quill turn to see Groot holding out the battery with pleased smile.

"Or we could just get it first and improvise,"

"We'll get the armband," Gamora said taking Natalie's hand and running off.

"BE CAREFUL BABE!" She heard Peter call out in the distance.

Natalie is running, attacking guards as she goes along. Being a Udonta she has impeccable fighting skills due to her father
training of course. Natalie was on top of a guard after kicking and throwing some other men out of the way, she had his fingers in his nose as he screamed and tried to get her off. He also had an electric shocker in his hand and tried electrocuting her However Natalie managed to take her fingers out of his nose, wrapped her arms around his neck and twisted causing her to jump down before he fell to the ground. The last guard she killed had the arm band around his wrist. Gamora looked at her shocked.

"Wow," was all she could say.

She smirked.


"Never thought you can fight always depending on Peter,"

"I'm a Udonta if you think my father hasn't taught me how to fight then your completely insane,"

"I think I see why Peter likes you," she said smiling as Gamora went over to the dead guards arm and pulled the wrist band off.

Gamora and Natalie ran back to the cafeteria and spotted their new found friend.

"ROCKET!" Gamora yelled handing him the armband. She turns to Natalie.

"Can you jump?"

"Why wouldn't I?" She smiles as Gamora nodded.

"Follow my lead," she said as Natalie nods as both Gamora and Natalie begins to jump from one gate to another gate until they reached the watchtower. Once inside Groot grows to make a ladder for the others, Natalie went to help Rocket climb up.

"We need all available guards in full combat gear," A guard said but he turned around as he saw Peter Quill, Natalie Udonta, Gamora, Drax, Rocket and Groot standing together as one team.

They wear intimidating looks on their faces, and the guard holds up his hands in surrender as they walk into the room. Groot grabs the guard with his branches, and throws him out of the way. Once they’re all inside, Natalie raises an eyebrow when she sees Drax right beside her.


"It is my duty to protect you my lady, also to follow you wherever you go,"

Gamora rolled her eyes.

"Why is this one here? Besides the weird obsession he has with your fiance?" Gamora asked glaring at Peter.

"We promised him he could stay by your side until he kills your boss. I always keep my promises," he said looking longingly at Natalie.

He just wanted her in his arms once again. 

"When they're to muscle-bound whack-jobs who will kill me if I don't. Here you go," he said putting the prosthetic leg down.

"Oh, I was just kidding about the leg. I just need these two things," he says showing the arm band and the battery.

"What?" Peter asks enraged.

"Pete," Natalie said moving towards him as she wrapped her arms around him form behind. 

Her touch slowly starts to calm him down as he places an arm over hers and kissed it.

"No, I thought it'd be funny. Was it funny? Wait, what did he look like hopping around?" Rocket asked giggling.

"I had to transfer him 30,000 units! That was money for my FIANCE'S ring!"

"Peter baby," Natalie whispered in his ear while moving her hands from his waist up and down his shoulders.

She bit his ear as he took a deep breath closing his eyes.

"Calm down baby, it's okay remember our orb is worth 4 billion units, and I'm willing to wait for however much time you need," she whispered in his ear slipping her hands from his shoulders under his shirt.

"Babe.... God your voice is so hot look what you did," he said pointing below him.

"WOAH THAT THING IS POINTING AT ME!" Rocket yelled horrified.

"Peter do you seriously have a hard on right now?" Gamora asked as she turned her head.

"I am Groot," Groot said causing Natalie to pull away from Peter as she blushed.

"I'm sorry forgot we're not alone anymore,"

"How did you forget that?!" Rocket yelled as Peter groaned in embarrassment and turned to Natalie.

"You see what she does to me?" Peter mumbled into her shoulders trying to stop the rush in his dick.

The Daughter of Yondu (Peter Quill)Where stories live. Discover now