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"PETER!" Peter heard Natalie yell once he finishes explaining 12 percent of the plan.

A big smile came to his face as he missed his fiancè the entire time she was gone with Yondu. He runs out the room with the others following and sees Natalie, Yondu and the other Ravagers with her. They both grinned before running into each other's arms as Peter twirled her around causing her to laugh.

"Oh I missed you my sexy lady!" Peter says before putting her down as his lips met hers.

She couldn't help but moan into the kiss as she desperately missed his lips. Yondu was smiling before shaking his head as the two pulled away.

"How was the talk?" He asked resting his forehead on hers lightly panting.

"It was great my dad blessed our marriage and even wants to walk me down the aisle," she giggles causing Peter to look up at Yondu who was looking at him.

"Yondu, you mean it? You'll let me marry and have a life with your daughter?"

"Yeah boy, but I told her though if you don't end up protecting her, if she ends up dead or missing I will hunt you down and kill you on the spot," he said causing Peter to gulp knowing that he meant every word. "As long as your up for the task I'll let you live a life with her and marry her,"

"With my life, I won't let anything or anyone harm her,"

"Good man Peter, now what's this plan of yours huh?" Yondu asks raised eyebrow as Peter had his arms wrapped around Natalie's.

Before he could explain Rocket cleared his throat.

"You know Peter, your not the only one that missed Udonta," Rocket admitted causing the two to face the other guardians.

"I am Groot," Groot says causing Natalie to smile bright.

"I missed you too Groot, I missed all of you,"

"I know now isn't the time," Rocket began scratching the back of his head walking towards Natalie. "But I've been doing some thinking and I'm really sorry about what I said back at the bar in Xandar. I didn't mean any of it, I hate admitting it but you've grown on me Udonta and I can see why Peter is so infatuated with you," he said causing Natalie to smile as she bent down and pat Rocket on the head.

"I forgive you Rocket, it's okay we're still friends," she said with a smile before facing the others.

Gamora sighed crossing her arms as she went to walk towards Natalie. She uncrossed them and pulled her into a hug.

"I've missed you and I'm sorry I couldn't get to Nebula on time, you've grown on me too Udonta like a sister," Gamora says before pulling away from the hug.

Natalie had the biggest smile on her face.

"Like a sister? You mean it Gamora?" She asks tears briming her eyes.

After all she was an only child. Gamora smiled.

"Yeah," She agreed as Natalie squealed in delight causing the group to laugh.

"IVE ALWAYS WANTED A SISTER!" She said before pulling Gamora back into another hug before letting go.

Drax was next to come up to her.

"My lady I'm sorry for what happened on Xandar I put you and the others in danger for my reckless behavior, I hope you can forgive me as well,"

"Oh Drax, of course you big idiot," she said pulling him in a hug causing Peter to roll his eyes.

He was still wary about him liking his girl.

"Great now that everyone is getting along with my love bug let's take down Ronan," Yondu said rubbing his hands together.

"The stone reacts to anything organic. The bigger the target, the bigger the power surge," Gamora started standing next to Natalie.

"All Ronan's gotta do is touch the stone to the planet's surface and zap. All plants, animals, Nova Corps," Peter began.

"Everything will die," Gamora finishes off with a nod.

"So Ronan does not make the surface. Rocket will lead a team to blow a hole in the Dark Aster's starboard hull. Then, our craft and Yondu's will enter," Peter said causing Natalie to smile.

She was liking this plan.

"Won't there be hundreds of Sakaaran soldiers inside?" Kraglin asked as Peter nodded his head.

"I think of Sakaaran as paper people," Drax says causing Natalie to shake her head and giggle causing Kraglin to smile as he  gives Drax a friendly punch on the shoulder, but Drax, not understanding the playful jester, gives Kraglin a look like he's going to hit him causing him to move away.

"Once they know we're on board, Ronan will isolate himself behind impenetrable security doors on deck. Which I can disable by dismantling the power source," Gamora says as Natalie looks to her with a smile.

"Your going to need back up," she says causing Gamora to smile back.

"I'm going to need back up, Natalie and I will be disabling the power source,"

"As long as my love bug don't get hurt during all this I will allow it," Yondu nods with a thoughtful smile.

"Love bug?" Rocket points out as Natalie blushes.

"It's what my dad calls me, has been since I was a small one," Natalie responds.

"Anyways We'll make it to the flight deck, and I'll use the Hadron Enforcer to kill Ronan," Peter concluded in his plan.

"Once Ronan is dead, we will retrieve the stone. Use these devices to contain it," Gamora said as she passes out the devices to everyone. "If you touch it, it will kill you,"

"I'll contact one of the Nova officers who arrested us. Hopefully, they'll believe we're there to help,"

"There's one more thing we need to complete the plan," Rocket says as he points to one of Yondu's men who has one robotic eye. "That guy's eye..."

"No! Rocket no we don't!" Natalie argues shaking her head as Rocket giggled.

"No, seriously, I need it! It's important to me!" He laughs as the others shake there heads.

Once the plan was discussed everyone dispersed to do their roles. Peter went to go contact the Nova corps while Natalie went to go suit up taking her weapons with her in the process.

The door knocked revealing her father who was still on the ship.

"What's up dad?"

"I just wanna say I love you love bug and please be careful I couldn't bare if something happened to ya,"

Natalie smiled just as she finished strapping on her boots she went over to him and hugged him.

"I love you too papa, I feel the same way you better not die on me old man," she said playfully punching him in the gut causing him to pretend to double over in pain.

"Oof that was a hard punch you got there," Yondu joked causing both him and Natalie to laugh.

Peter smiled as he walked into the room with them.

"Loving the relationship you two have it's adorable," Peter says grinning ear to ear as Yondu rolled his eyes.

"I'll be getting ready, see you in a bit love bug," he says before leaving out the room giving the couple a little bit of an alone time.

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