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"So, this orb has a real shiny blue suitcase, Ark of the Covenant, Maltese Falcon sort of vibe. What is it?" Peter asked Gamora as she rolled her eyes.

" I have no words for an honorless thief," she replied as Natalie narrowed her eyes.

"And who are you to talk about my boyfriend like that?" She asked as Peter couldn't help but smile fondly at her defending him.

Gamora rolled her eyes.

"I have no words to the person who's in a relationship with the honorless thief," she announced causing Natalie's eyes to widen.

"Pretty high and mighty coming from the lackey of a genocidal maniac," Rocket said causing  Gamora to look at him. "Yeah, I know who you are. Anyone who's anyone knows who you are,"

"Yeah, we know who you are. Who is she?" Peter asked turning to Groot as Natalie turned to look at him. 

"I am Groot,"

"Yeah, you said that," Natalie sighs at her boyfriend.

"He said she is the daughter of the mad titan Thanos," she said as his lips hung open.

"Wait you speak Groot?"

"I have been understanding what he says since I first him, us Centaurians speak different languages and Groot happens to be one of them,"

"Thanks for giving me this information," Peter sarcastically says rolling his eyes.

Natalie chuckled.

"You've never asked Mr. Quill,"

"I am Groot," Groot says causing Natalie to smile with a blush.

"Your blushing, what did he say?"

"He said I was beautiful,"

"Tell giving tree that your my girlfriend he can go find his own," Peter said all worked up.

"I wasn't retrieving the orb for Ronan, I was betraying him. I had an agreement to sell it to a third party," Gamora said getting annoyed with them talking.

"I am Groot,"

"Great what he say this time?" He asked looking at Natalie.

"He said he's glad that your betraying them and not working with them,"

"You got that from three words?"

"Well, he don’t know talking good like me and you. So his vocabulistics is limited to “I” and “am” and “Groot”. Exclusively in that order," Rocket speaks up. "and it's good to have another person who understands him the translations and everything your people are cool,"

"Well thanks Rocket," she smiles as he smiled back causing Peter to roll his eyes.

Natalie was his girl nobody else and nobody is going to steal her away from him especially when this will be the year she becomes his wife. The group stops walking when Peter sees a blue man with his walkman and headphones in.

"Hey. Put that away!" Peter yells catching Natalie's attention as he went inside the door before it closed.

"Hey! Listen to me you big blue bastard, take those headphones off, that's mine. Those belong to impound, that tape and that player is mine!"

The guard stuned Peter causing him to scream in pain.

"Peter!" Natalie yells going up to the glass however a guard from the outside stunned her too causing her to scream in agony.

"I got permission to stun you to death,"

"Hooked on a Feeling, Blue Swede, 1973, that song belongs to me!" Peter yelled before he was stunned again.

Natalie continued to hear his screams as she panted and tried to get up, however the guard stunned her again causing her to let out an antagonizing scream.

"STOP YOUR HURTING HER YOU IDIOT!" Rocket yelled worried for her.

To Natalie she felt her body frying until he officially stops as she dropped to her knees.

"Nat, you okay?" Rocket asked as she was smoking.

The guard smiled as he hit her one last time causing her to scream again as her body shut down and she fell backwards hitting her head in the process. When Natalie woke up again she gasped as she was in an unfamiliar room looking around.

She noticed Gamora who was sitting up unable to sleep.

"G-Gamora?" She asked confused as she turned to face her.

"Welcome back, we thought we lost you Peter man he was so devastated he was willing to knock all the guards out,"

"Where are we?"

"In a jail cell, you missed out on a lot though,"

The girls jumped however when prisoners were banging on the glass.

"Miss. Udonta remember me?" A prisoner asked with a sinister grin. "I was with Yondu when you were a youngling but he was a traitor and a liar! Left me to get captured and now with you in there he's gonna pay the price!"

"Gamora! No cell will hold you for long," another announced as Natalie was getting scared.

"Do not be frightened child of Yondu, I will protect you," Gamora says holding onto her hands.

"Why? Why me?"

"I made a promise to Peter before we parted ways that I'll protect you,"

Not long after some men actually got into the cell and dragged Gamora and Natalie out.

"NO!" She shouted as they passed by a guard.

Gamora and Natalie looked helpful hoping that he would understand.

"Take them down to the showers. It'll be easier to clean up the blood down there and here," he said handing a prisoner an electric shock as he grinned.

"If you turn the water up real high she will for surly die for good,"

"No! No! Let go of us! PETER!" Natalie yelled in hopes her boyfriend would hear her.

The Daughter of Yondu (Peter Quill)Where stories live. Discover now