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The stars have gone out their way to align just for Xavier and I. That's how I've been thinking for the past week ever since he agreed to be my prom date. Recovering our relationship wasn't as easy as eating a slice of a fraudulently healthy carrot cake or travelling a path where you have already traveled before but it did happen. Xavier just lost his mom but it ended up becoming the reason for us to reconnect and come back even stronger. We bonded over losing one of the person that we love the most in the milky way.

For him, it was his own mother and for me, it was my own grandmother. It's clearly not a similar situation but there's a clear path where it converges at the very center and it a very endearing moment where we just talked about how life is short and that you should live like there's no tomorrow. Live like there's no tomorrow, love intensely as if you don't have anything else to give and laugh hard to your heart's content; that's what Xavier taught me.

"Oh my goodness, I cannot believe my dear son's just about to attend his first ever prom!" My mom chirped just as she inched her way inside my room.

"Hey, mom." I greeted her with a smile that was rooted from the excitement that I've been feeling.

I can't believe that I have a prom date for this year's prom. Last year, I already have come to terms with accepting the matter of fact that I'm going to have to attend prom alone and lonely. I even managed to convince myself that it's quite okay to go to prom without a date. And now, I still couldn't believe the fact that I have a date of my own.

When Xavier said yes to my simple yet planned proposal in his bedroom, I was through the moon. I was the happiest gay boy in the entire universe to be quite honest. If there's one thing that I've learned from this, it's that if you think you know what's going to happen, you actually don't have any idea at all. You better live in the moment and stop stressing out about the future because the future isn't guaranteed.

"You look handsome in that pink suit." My mom got behind me as I was staring at my own reflection in front of the mirror. I am wearing a rosy pink suit embellished with hundreds of red shimmering crystals strategically crested on the chest and back part. My inner shirt was white but the buttons are dyed with the rainbow colors visually letting everyone know that I'm gay and I'm proud of it and you're just going to have to live with it.

"You know what they say, real men wear pink." I bantered out.

"Mhmmm, is that what the kids says these days?" She got in front of me and started inspecting the intricate details of the suit. "So, this is the one that's custom made for you?" She asked gently touching the shiny crystals with her eyes shimmering in awe.

"Yeah, Xavier and I have the same design of suit except his was in red and the crystals where pink."

"I love it, you will be the best dressed couple of the night, I'm sure of it."

"Probably. I mean, Michiko's not here so..."

"I was going to ask you to wear your dad's suit that he wore during his prom but this is way better and way gayer." My mom sounded very proud. "Also, you're a bit slender than him so it won't fit anyway."

"You know what, mom. I thought I'm going to prom alone and lonely." I began just telling her how I felt last year when I thought I'm not going to experience that high school romance that everyone's been experiencing.

"Honey, even if you went to prom, you won't be alone and lonely. You have Nikki and Jane with you."

"Yeah, I guess so. Those two have been my best judies since." I replied and then a loud familiar honk bellowed and I immediately knew it was Xavier.

The Badboy's Heartbeat [BxB] √Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant