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Whatever happened to the hate that I have amassed for Xavier was slowly being drained by his simple apology. And somehow the weirdest part of this plot twist was all me becoming weak on my knees around Xavier when I'm clearly aware that it's not healthy. Whoever thinks that being all sort of forgiving towards the person who bullied them for quite a long time is an insane person. That's exactly me, I am an insane person and honestly, I'm okay with it. This seemed to be leading to something that would change the course of my life and to be perfectly blunt with myself, I'm ready for an adventure.

I just don't have any idea if Jane and Nikki would really understand me. Maybe they're okay with it, maybe they're not okay with it. It's really up in the air. If they're both trying to be their own woke selves, then I'm horribly fucked.

I may have my own reasons for accepting Xavier's apology and I'm going to stick by that. The hate that I used to have for this ginger head was slowly being filled by such curiosity to get to know him better. Clearly, there's more to him than just being a jock and a jackass.

"So, what's your favorite color?" I began trying to break the silence that has been reigning for over ten minutes. I realized that I just asked an extremely stupid question but then I thought maybe it's a good way to start a conversation and hopefully usurp the current reign of silence.

"Uhm, sorry, what?" We've already left the school grounds and Xavier finally mustered the courage to walk by my side.

"Yeah, sorry. That was a stupid question." I replied gritting with a slight hold of shame. I'm really acting up like I don't know how to talk and this might be the first time that this has happened to me.

"No, my bad, Jordi. I heard what you asked, it's just, I realized nobody had asked me what my favorite color was."

I didn't expect that at all. "Ah, alright. Then what's your favorite color then?" I asked making my voice sound even louder and more confident this time around.

"I used to love red but I recently realized that I don't look good in it. Because you know, with my hair and all of that, every time I wear red, I look like a rip off version of Hanamichi Sakuragi."

"Hahaha, wait up." I immediately paused from walking just to let out a hysterical burst of laughter. I just imagined Xavier Rockwell being an anime character that's just stupid, arrogant and narcissistic as Sakuragi. Somehow, in a way, it's parallel with him.

"Why are you laughing?" He blabbered out.

"I just pictured you in a red jersey and yeah, you probably look like him and maybe act like him too."

"What the fuck, Jordi. I'm not like him."

"You are."

"Yeah, I may be short-tempered but I'm not arrogant." Xavier went on insisting his thoughts of himself.

"Oh but you are, Xavier. Honestly though, I think you're hotter than him?"

"What did you just say?"

"Uhm, nothing." I immediately realized that I just admitted to him that he was hot when I wasn't supposed to say that. In this moment, I felt my face turn red and deep inside, I was already hoping for a hue ten-wheeler truck to rush and hit me because I'm honestly ashamed of what I said.

"You said I was hot." Starting to fume with vanity, Xavier looked at me straight in the eye.

"No, I did not." I asserted looking away from him. I began to pick up my pace and the next thing I know I was jogging leaving him in his spot.

"Hold up, Jordi." Xavier followed behind.

I didn't want him to see me blushing. While I do agree that Xavier's hot and probably hotter than any daddy type anime character out there, I just don't want him to know that I could see how hot he is.

The Badboy's Heartbeat [BxB] √Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora