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I would have never thought that approaching someone you know just for a simple conversation would be this much difficult especially for me. People know me for just approaching anybody and talking smug off to their faces. Also, I used to be dosed with such swag and confidence when I'm poking fun at Jordi but now, things aren't going well for me. I'm like an elephant afraid of a freaking mouse.

When I got to school early this morning, I saw Jordi sitting alone at the bench, most probably waiting for his friends to show up. Seems like I have that first chance to actually approach him but then I was quick to realize that there are a lot of people watching and I froze. I wouldn't say I was intimidated but I know I just froze unexpectedly in the moment. Then I realized I wasn't coping well with the aftermath of what happened.

I used to enjoy getting on Jordi's nerves and making him feel shittier and shittier every single day. It was kind of my vitamin. Him whining and begging and crying just makes me feel good about myself. Out of all the people that I poked fun with, Jordi was my very own personal favorite mostly because I feel like I'm easily the superior one over that guy. However, now, I'm relatively mortified partly because I don't feel any sense of confidence to even talk to Jordi. It seemed to me that he sucked all of that swag and confidence that I have through my mouth.

I saw Jordi once again in the hallway and I had another opportunity to pull him in one corner but then Darren and Nixon showed up out of nowhere just to ruin the plan that I've been trying to execute.

Lunch break eventually came and for the most part, I was just eating quietly at my usual spot while listening to a random song from the 2000's.

"Why the hell are you so quiet, Xavier?" Darren began nonchalantly pulling both plugs like he had every right to.

"Yeah, why?" Nixon added. "Cat got your tongue?"


"Bruuuh, something's wrong with you."

"Don't bruuuh me, Nixon." I replied expressively mimicking the way he just elongated the word bruh. "Nothing's wrong with me, okay. Can't you just let me eat silently for once?" I snapped and in that moment, I suddenly looked over at Jordi and he seemed happy with his friends. They were laughing and it was the first time I've seen him like that. He looked bright like the sunshine.

"That's exactly the point, dude. You're too quiet these days and it makes us think that something's wrong with you." Darren announced and I know they're just concerned but it would be beneficial for me if they shut it.

"Okay, okay! I'm just tired." I began realizing that I have to tell them at least something that's true and believable. "I'm exhausted."

"Is this because of your mom?" Darren probed and he might've just given me the idea that I was just trying to think of.

"Yeah." I nodded looking idly at my own food. I just spent the last money that I have for this shitty food. "She's been..." I was immediately cut off when Michiko showed up right in front of our table.

"Hey, uhm..." She paused as my eyes set sight on the box that she was holding.

"What's that?" I asked.

"I came here to return all of the stuff that you gave me." Michiko uttered handing me the box that's most probably filled with every shit that I bought for her. I could clearly tell that she's trying not to be shaky.

"Oh, shit. Are you two really..." Nixon began but Michiko quickly cut him off too.

"Yes, Nixon. It's over times five to power of ten. We're done done and I'm already moving on." Michiko went on and then turned around before eventually walking back to her own table.

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