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I wasn't really highly expecting to go to sleep with a sound heart and a peaceful thought tonight. After that shenanigan with Xavier and his gang, I really had this rotten idea planted inside my head that I'm going to rest with a heavy heart and a confused thought. However, things drastically changed quickly than I would've ever imagined it would be. Perhaps, I was entirely wrong when I accused the odds for changing their initial plans for me.

Not in a hundred years that I would've thought Xavier had the guts to apologize to me that quick. I mean, I know he's capable of doing it because he's already apologized for bullying me and all of that stuff. It's just that I feel like things are going too intense and I never even asked for it. And this time, Xavier just proved to me that he's more than ready to do whatever it takes to be with me. Or maybe that statement was just a little self-centered of me to think.

Am I getting delusional? Is Xavier really into me?

The words echoed inside my head. I may be overthinking but he practically just asked me out right after we finished shooting that short film of us taking care of the bag of flour. I may have nodded to that and now I am feeling way too excited to spend time with Xavier.

I know things are moving way too fast and I'm really struggling to keep up with the pace. I have dreamed of having a cheesy and silly little high school romance and the universe clearly knows that I never thought it would be with the person who's been making my life difficult. Xavier's the very last person on the list that I would've thought of having this experience with. Xavier motherfucking Rockwell was just making me wish for him to vanish from the face of the earth then but now, he's making me feel ecstatic and giddy all of a sudden.

Before I could even go insane for smiling all alone in my room, I decided to check Xavier's IG account again. I never really hit the follow button the first time I checked it and now I'm thinking of hitting that button. Before I click follow, I scrolled down to his account just to check his stuff. While he does have that surprising five thousand followers, he only does have ten photos posted. That just made rethink of my decisions in life. My account has about two hundred ninety photos and I'm only at three hundred sixty-eight followers. That's some bullshit right there!

Five of the ten photos that Xavier have posted were all taken at the soccer field along with the school's soccer team. I never found that interesting mostly because it's a group photo taken from a distance that whenever I looked at Xavier's face, it just looks like a pixel. As I scrolled down further, the photos slowly transitioned from the current Xavier to his childhood.

Xavier does appear so much younger and funnier in three of the photos. I can't even begin to fathom that those photos were him as a kid. I could really tell that puberty truly hit him the hardest out of everybody else. It seemed to me that puberty not only hit him that hard but puberty also spanked and smashed and crushed and then remodeled him to this gorgeous man that he is now.

There's this one photo of him, he's probably around twelve or thirteen, I don't even know. He's almost unrecognizable as he looked very thin, his haircut was just a mess and he had those crooked teeth visible even with the braces on. He's also with Muffin and Muffin was just a cute little fur ball that I just wanted to pick him up and cuddle him.

I didn't realize I clicked the heart button on some of his photos and just as soon as that happened, I received two notifications. When I checked on them, I saw Xavier followed me and he even sent me a message.

Javierwithan_X: R u stalking me?

I had to pause for a moment let things sink in. I didn't really mean to click the heart button on some of Xavier's photos and now, I'm obliged to reply to him because why not? I followed Xavier's account back and then went back to his message. I already know what I'm going to say to him and since he had the audacity to ask if I'm stalking him, I'm going to have to do something.

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