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It's been over a week ever since the last time I encountered Xavier Rockwell and that's basically a record for me and him, I guess. So far, I've been having a great week and my life's not been intentionally bothered by anyone. Xavier has not tried to push me in one corner or confront me Xavier style or shove me into the janitor's closet. He never even attempted to show up at my house unannounced. We are both basically together in a lot of classes and so far, he's pretty much back to his old habits. If he's not sketching something at the back of his notebook, he's always taking a careless nap and at some points, I could see him stealing glances over me but every single time that happens, I basically act as if I never caught him.

I don't want to admit it to myself but a small part within me still feels like it wants Xavier to be up in my ass. Not in a literal way but I'm still hoping he'd try to approach me even though the biggest part of me wants nothing to do with him. While I'm grateful for the freedom that I'm basking in, there's still this thought in my head that I should be hearing his side of the story. People always say there are three angles to every story and I'm really such a bitch for not letting him flash his own side. I may have witnessed things from my own point of view and aside from the lingering truth, the guy also has his own side to begin with.

I'm not going to lie, Zach's unprecedented revelation about Xavier's mom got me real sorry for the guy. I didn't know about since mostly because Xavier never talked about it and he does not want to talk about it. The truth is, I don't really have any idea what he's going through in his life. I wanted to know what he's going through but I'm still caught up with myself and it's hard to break free from the chains of confusion.

"What are you going to be for Halloween?" Nikki began, we were crossing the hallway and we are just on our way to the soccer field.

"I think I'm just going to be a regular gay guy." I replied having no sense of creativeness for the upcoming holiday. The gays must hate me right now because Halloween's like Christmas for them. It's a little different for me, I guess. I'm not into horror stuff

"Psh. What in the actual fuck, Jordi? That's lame, Jordi, L-A-M-E." Nikki slurred begrudgingly. "What about you Jane? Are you going to be hello kitty again just like you did last year and the year before that?"

"Well, actually, I have decided to go a different route this time." Jane replied.

I looked over at Jane. "Oooh, that's interesting, Jane."

"Yeah, I'm thinking between doing Meg Griffin or Judy Jetson."

"MEG GRIFFIN?!" Nikki went into a hysterical burst of laughter. "That's so freaking lame girl but also, I could see you doing it. However, Judy Jetson, huh? That's a great choice. You should do that one. Judy Jetson hooker would be fantastic."

"You should do Meg Griffin." I whispered towards Jane and I could already see Nikki rolling her eyes behind.

"Jordi, why do you hate Halloween?" Nikki inquired.

"I don't hate Halloween. I never said that, Nikki. Why are you so into Halloween anyway?" I volleyed the question back to Nikki. For all I know that's just her lame excuse to exploit her sexy hooker slutty whatever fantasy. I know how fun it is to dress up and that's all because I've been dressing up in my own bedroom when I was very young. I don't do it now but I used to use my towels and blankets just to dress up like I'm clad in a long gown. I just don't feel Halloween this year.

"Duuuh, Halloween's like the second best holiday, only second to Christmas. Everyone gets to dress up in their own fantasy and I'm going to be The Bride." Nikki expressed gritting with indestructible confidence.

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