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The spirit of Christmas was already upon us and comes along with it was the coldest breeze to ever grace my skin. I took a moment to shiver and adjust from such nippy brush of the wind that just passed by. I had to quickly take my jacket out and wear it before I could even freeze to death. I was probably one of the few people who decided to run for the door once Principal Sanders closed the show. I thought I was suffocating because of the level of oxygen being too low for people like me and when I got outside, I was slapped with such coldness.

The school auditorium was truly heated in both ways that I could ever imagine. Not only that there are a lot of people warming up the air but what happened at this year's play was also heated and quite frankly, controversial. It will probably go down in this school's history as one of those night who changed the course of the universe. I guess those straight mostly white people who think they're holding the supremacy were all shook on their knees. For me, as a simple gay boy, what happened during the show had a huge impact. Not just one person came out today but two.

Who knew Jack Gebrewold was also gay? I mean, he's one of those kids who loves to make people laugh with their jokes and silly personality. I always thought he was hiding something from the world by using his witty humor and lively personality to cover up something. I'm not sure if I was a hundred percent right about it but he just came out too. This is a small win for the students of North Hudson high school. Now there are no long three gay people in this school, we already have five. And talking people who are out and proud. I know Xavier's gay too but I guess he's not quite ready to be proud of his true self.

Speaking of Xavier, I only saw him a few times this day and all of those are from the classes that we share together. I admit I'm itching all the way from inside out to stalk him and approach him. However, I am so drained from crying and moping around that I just lost the energy. I feel like a dumb person trying to open some canned goods with nothing but my bare hands. Nikki and Jane were there for me and they already know me and the stories that I've told them. We probably don't share the same sentiments but they kept on telling me Xavier's not my loss and that there are better people out there waiting for me. Nikki was very much assertive about her own belief that it's better to stay single up until you met the right person. And I'm like, how am I supposed to meet the right person when I'm staying single?

I just think that if Xavier really does not want to fix this whole thing, then I'm afraid I'm going to have to go through the process of moving on. I'm aware of the fact that it will be draining and painful but I don't got much choice.

The day was such a mess for me too mostly because I've resorted to bowing my head every time I pass the hallways. I don't want people noticing me. I've already caught so much attention from the video that circulated around the school. I may have not received it personally, but I know it was planned to ruin my life. People could really get so heartless in this universe.

"Can you fucking believe what happened?" Jane cursed out of the shocking moment that occurred right in front of the stage. Apparently, Zach just came out to the entire school and it shook every homophobic creature lurking at every corner of the auditorium. I guess we have to thank whoever threw that egg right on his face because that one egg definitely brought out one of the best thing that's ever happened to this school.

"You guys, I think I'm crying." Nikki chimed in. Jane and I quickly looked over at her and she was looking above the sky while fanning her eyes using her fingers. She was trying not to let the tears cascade. "My mascara's going to run down. That was a beautiful moment and I don't think I will get over it."

"Nikki, you are being so over dramatic." I huffed out.

"Shut up, Jordi. You are supposed to be crying with me as well because Zach and Jack was brave over there. I can't with you. And both of their names also rhymes." Nikki whined.

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