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The pang of embarrassment finally took its toll on me and I ended up running away from the house party. This was the very first time that I declined a very consensual offer coming from a fuckable chick and I'm surprised about that. Nixon knew my type when it comes to a woman and I'm pretty sure that's the reason why Nixon introduced me to her. Francine was really hot and wild. I would totally smash her down but I don't know what the fuck's wrong with me. When she pulled me upstairs, I was under the impression that I was into the moment. And then I just realized that I'm not even having a simple hard-on even when she's already jiggling her bosoms in front of my face.

When I finally got home that night, I found my mother and Hector having their very own intimate session inside the one bedroom that we all share. Luckily, the door was shut closed that I didn't have to accidentally witness both of them touching each other. My mother's a screamer and Hector really cuss a lot which made things unbearably awkward for me. It's gross to think of my mother as a screamer but that's the reality of things.

Our tiny little apartment was the cheapest of all but it's the only space in the city that my mom could afford with the little savings that she had. My father never really left anything to us when he and my mom separated several years ago. They never had any type of formal divorce even though they were married. My mom threatened to sue him but my dad just really had a lot of dangerous connections that it became difficult for her to do what she wanted to do. This, along with all of the mental and emotional damages savagely destroyed my mom in many ways that she has forgotten how to function. Essentially, she's wrecked to the point where I could no longer save her.

I am backtracking a bit. Calling this apartment tiny was an understatement. It's more of a claustrophobic box with one bedroom that has a bunk bed, one tiny kitchen with no enough space for other appliance and a tiny living room where three people could barely move without bumping into each other. And let's not start about the bathroom.

The walls are simply the thinnest and all of the screaming and the cussing coming from the bedroom was just making me feel uncomfortable. My mom was calling the lord and Hector's just screaming his wide vocabulary of curse words. I ended up leaving the house which was usually the case for me.

McArthur's park was just a twenty-minute walk from our place but I made it there in fifteen. The night's breeze was just simply cold that I had to jog in order to procure some body heat. When I got to the park, I was already feeling hot but after an hour of just sitting at the bench, I felt the hug of cold air. Thankfully, I stole a pot from Hector's stash that I could at least get high and give no shit about anything.

Whenever I feel uncomfortable at home, I always come here. Not only that it's peaceful here but at least it's also a safe area. The only thing that I hate was the cold but at least I could live with that as oppose to every shitty thing at home. I didn't choose this life, it kind of chose me and I have to suck it all up and live with reality.

I don't necessarily know why I keep on coming back to this place whenever I don't want to be home but it essentially became a sanctuary for me. It's really quite ironic that the place felt more like a home to me than when I'm at home.

McArthur's park is a pretty popular spot for homeless people. Some of them ran away from their homes, some are just buried in debt and has no place to stay, some are junkies like my mom and some are immigrants who got scammed by greedy people. Every bench and table you see here has their very own tenant.

When I got to the usual bench where I use to camp, I immediately saw Angelo, the guy who essentially owns the spot. He's one of the kindest person that I've met here and he usually lets me camp with him.

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