"Girl, please, don't pull that card on me." I shook my head knowing that I've already changed my pillow three times because it got really fucking wet. "You know I've cried more than you this past week. You ain't got nothing on me, baby. I'm dried out. I guess I'm going to quote Ariana Grande and say 'I've got no tears left to cry'."

"Ooooohhhhhh!!" Jane started imitating the way Ariana Grande does her voice and it's not that cute. She sounded like a Janis Joplin on crack.

"Okay," Nikki breathed out. "I think I'm okay now."

The three of us continued walking and for a while, it seemed that we don't want to go home quite yet. We ended up going to the bleachers just in time for the sunset. The hue of the sun tucking away was warm and breathtaking that the three of us decided to take a selfie together.

"This is what people call the golden hour." Jane muttered right after we took selfie. We were all just directly watching the sun as it sinks down the earth.

"I'm going to miss you guys." I blurted out thinking that this will be a sad holiday for me.

"Aww..." The two ladies cooed in unison and we all shared a hug.

"Life really wild you know?" Nikki began. "Zach's really gay?"

"Yeah... I cannot believe that too." Jane nodded in agreement.

"I mean, you don't know much about gay people but in a way, Zach's actually the epitome of a gay person." I divulged blatantly telling them that a person like Zach can't be straight.

"What do you mean?" Jane asked.

They both looked at me with such curious eyes. "He's way too clean for a guy. I've been to his car and he's really really organized. He's smart and way too talented and think of it, he's still in high school. Most talented men discover their talents past high school you know."

"You seem like you know a lot huh." Nikki chimed in.

"Besides all of that. His body was ripped and he's probably waking up early in the morning just to work out. He's incredibly smart and he's not even a nerd to be honest. He's just really adaptive. These are all subjective but most gay men are like them."

"Yeah... Now that I think about it, my uncle was also gay. He's just like Zach, way too clean, too ripped and too organized. He's also quite talented but not as talented as Zach." Jane said.

As the sun finally settled down to pave the way for its counterpart, the purple hue of dusk came in sweeping the gorgeous yolky color of the sunset away. It's about to get dark any time soon and the three of us decided to move down the bleachers and head home.

Right after we moved down, the group of the theatre kids were just leaving the school. They were all happy and excited, perhaps what happened earlier was an opening for more people hiding in the closet to finally come out and be their true selves. They were waving at each other and then Zach and I crossed sight.

"It's Zach..." Jane whispered unto my ear.

"I know."

Zach bid goodbye to his team and jogged all the way to meet the three of us. I would say I'm very much glad that he did what he did in that stage. He turned something embarrassing and dreadful into something powerful and beautiful. Only a few people could do such thing and I'm very convinced that he's truly one of the best people in this world. If that was me on stage, I'd probably ran away and cried. Though, I did the same thing except that I'm not on a stage which kind of helped with my own courage. I was inside the announcement studio right in front of the mic. I guess locking up myself inside boosted my meager courage.

"Hey, Zach. You were so fucking brave out there. I'm so proud for you." Nikki greeted with such cheerful support.

"I know right. You're the star and you didn't let an egg or a simple booing and laughing got in your way. Props to you mama." Jane chimed in making this weird tongue popping noises.

"Yeah, thanks, Nikki. Thanks, Jane." Zach nodded right at Nikki and Jane and eventually redirected his focus towards me.

"Hey," I smiled at him. "Congratulations on coming out!"

"Thank you, Jordi. I wouldn't have done without you." Zach replied and the way he spat those words made me feel like I took part in that when I know I was just relegated in the crowd.

"Nah, that was all you, Zach. It had nothing to do with me."

"No for real, Jordi. You helped me, maybe the courage was all mine but you got part in letting me feel accepted. I got to tell you how I truly felt inside. I was confused for a long time with myself and when I was hanging out with you, I learned a lot about myself." He continued and I could really such passion in him. Everything that's coming out of his mouth felt genuine.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"I got to learn and recognize who the real Zach is and for that, I'm very thankful. Also, I'm sorry for acting like a bitch last time."

"That's fine. I got over it."

"That video kind of ruined my life except that it actually taught me how to be true to myself and you were also in that video. I'm sorry about not listening to what you were going to say. I was just in shambles upon learning that you and Xavier are going out together." Zach went on and as soon as he mentioned Xavier's name, the three of us shared a look together.


"What?" Zach looked at the three of us.

"It's nothing." I replied almost immediately. I don't want Zach to be suspicious. I don't think he knows what's going on with me and Xavier and it better stay that way. I've already dragged him into a drama and I most certainly don't want his presence in this mess. "I'm glad that you are finally out of the closet."

"Thanks. Anyway, uhm, you three are headed home?" Zach asked and Nikki swiftly glared over at me.

"Yeah, we are." I replied.

"I could drive you all."

"NO, NO..." Nikki suddenly chimed in.

"We're okay, Zach." I blurted out. "We are enjoying our last day together this year."

"Oh, alright. I respect that." Zach was nodding and seemingly disappointed that we declined his offer somehow. "But we are still friends, right, Jordi?" He looked intently straight into my eyes.

"Yeah. Strictly friends."

"Alright." Zach cheered and even patted my shoulder. "So, I'll go ahead then." Zach said and all three of us nodded hurrying him to get out of our sight.

We watched Zach walked away until he was gone and then we all shared a look and eventually went on a hysterical burst of laughter.

"Oh my god. Is this really the end?" Nikki looked over at Jane and I the moment we were out of the school gate.

"I... I guess so. Yeah." I nodded.

"We'll be seeing each other next year again." Jane added.

"What if we crash a party one last time before the year ends?" Nikki suggested giving both Jane and I such a tempting and conniving look.

"I... What do you think, Jane?" I looked over at Jane. Nikki's suggestion sounded like music to my ears. In a way, I kind of want to let loose. I've been engulfed with sorrow and I'm fully aware of myself. I'm going to be crying on my bed too but maybe this last party could help me forget the pain. At least, just a little bit of it if not all of it.

"Why not. My parents do not care wherever I go this time around." Jane said.

"What about your boyfriend?" Nikki asked concerned about Jane and her love life.

"He can kiss my ass." Jane giggled.

"Okay, but first, I'm going to have to call my mom."

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