V22 - Chapter 263 Epilogue pt 2

Start from the beginning

"It will all be fixed over time. Rome was not built in a day."

As the two reached the Operation Room door, Pina stopped and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Jackson, I do want to say thank you. I really do enjoy that we continued our friendship."

"No problem," Sharpe replied. "I do intent to bill you on the hours though."

Pina shook her head. "Always the smartass." She then pointed her figure at him. "Be careful, if I have a daughter next, maybe your son and her would get married."

Sharpe stared at the Empress, silent for a moment. "You been taking to my wife to much."

Pina laughed and opened the door. "Maybe. But if so, that means were family and you cannot bill family."

"Shit...," Sharpe mumbled, realizing women are masters as scheming.

Entering the main Operation Room, Sharpe saw Yang, Krysist, and other supportive officers throughout the room.

"Hello Sharpe," Yang said. "Good job on the mission."

Pina walked over and gave Sharpe and the two Apostles. "Nice to see you three. It has been a while."

"Too long, Empress," Rory said.

"Surprised to see you here," Sharpe said.

"We have other leads," Pina said. "And I want this thorn out of my life."

"If you don't mind, let's get at it," Yang said. "Sooner we get this briefing done, the sooner you all can take a shower."

Quickly sniffing his uniform, he heard Marly bragging about how she was right to take a shower first. He shook his head and then stared toward the Empress.

"I was not going to say anything," Pina said as she plugged her nose as a jest..

"Where is O'iloiat," Sharpe asked.

"He left for Ticaret," Pina said. "It seems that their civil war is coming to an end and left to help with the peace process. Hopefully a agreement can be forged and the fighting will end"

"Our side won?"

"It seems like it. Falson faction finally defeated the dwarves."

Thrilled by the news, one of the last legacy pieces from the last War had finally wrapped up.

The group gathered around the digital table. Above it was a large, decorative lamp that was built in Rondel. Partnering with Earth companies because of their needed knowledge, some low-value production has bene started up in key cities for protection like light bulb manufacturing. Right now this technology is primary for the government, people are slowly adopting the new light source as they grown use to the artificial light.

"This is where your team strike," Yang said. "The size of the resistance lead Intel to believe that this was a hub. There has to be other bases in the region so we will want to focus our efforts here."

"I don't need to explain how serious this is," Pina said. "Last week, my staff found out about an advisor in Rondel who was sowing rebellious propaganda."

"You think people would be tired of that conversation," Rory said.

"There are many who still blame Sadera for the destruction of their city," Yang said. "If it was not for the fact that Pina here also helped save the city from Darlko and the Demons, the city probably would be in full succession."

"Healing will take years," Pina said. "But I am committed to that cause."

As Pina spoke, Sharpe saw Beefeater enter the room and walked directly to Pina, bypassing many regulations. The only reason someone would do this was because something serious just happened.

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