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Author's Note
Well i know its been so long that i disappeared.  But its not that i wont complete. This is something which is very very near to my being and as its a true story upto a extent as i will tell my readers from where i would turn it up into a wattpad story from being a true story and maybe will give you all a chapter in the end on what happened to both of them in reality . So please bear with me readers as i am currently highly engrossed in an criminal case where i know the person accused is innocent but i have no proofs . Pray for the persons eviction else he will end up in jail for five years without any fault .

Author's POV

" Maa !!Maa!! Kahan ho aap . ( Mother !! Mother !! Where are you .)"

Nandini enters her home shout screeming for her mother when she couldn't find her in living room as promised to Nandini by her mother earlier . Infact even lights were off . Suddenly someone screemed from behind her and she was terrified and there stood her elder brother Maan wearing a ghost mask to scare her of her wits . She lunges at him asking him to lift her up which he happily does and twirls her in his embrace .

It's after more than six months she is meeting her bhaiya as he used to study in New York since he wished to study in Harvard since young and it was their father's dream too . He wanted to give best possible education to his kids hence bearing saperation from his son from last six years who just got enrolled in Harvard University in an undergraduate course  studying business management.

He was around ten years elder to Nandini so like a second father to her. Loved her just like his own daughter and really misses spending time with his sister as he thinks he has lost out on whole of her childhood as he never comes back home for more than a month or two once a year and also misses on all festivals and occasions but most he missed was Nandini's birthdays and would always cry in his room on her birthday .

Nandini too never celebrates her birthday without her beloved bhaiya and hence joint celebration in the household now . Nandini's belated birthday and Mann's yearly homecoming . Earlier around half a year back the family had went off to New York to be a part of the Graduation ceremony of Maan and had lots of fun and her innocent heart thought that her bhaiya will come back home with them and she will have fun with him but he had to stay back to finalise his university admission .

Maan still remembered the longing and yearning for him ,a elder brother in her eyes and regretted moving to New York so early . He could have spend a couple of more years with his Gudiya ( Doll ) . He still can't phantom the feeling that she has grown up so much . It's just  like yesterday when she used to wet her pants and sometimes her bed too . When she used to wean off a milk bottle and would not have any solid food and how now she wants to go out with him and eat samosas , Kachori all types of sweets and what not .

He sweared he would fullfill all her desires as he knows he won't be coming home in next few years at all untill he completes his degree and masters later on .Which would take a minimum of five years . This whole two months would be only for his Princess , his Gudiya , his Chuhiya , his cutie pie , his ice cream .

He could see significant changes in her behaviour . She had turned into an impulsive , angry in an instant and an emotional child from a happy cheerful child he left before going to USA six years back and he dread of the changes he would witness in her behaviour when he leaves her altogether for five years minimum this time . By the time he would return completely his little sister whom he could carry around all day at her birth would be getting almost ready for her university enrolments .

From childhood friends she might be having a romantic relationship with a boy at that time . Yes, being educated in USA and completely immersed in western culture he was open to love marriage for himself and his Gudiya too although he knows his family would accept anything other then a love marriage as it's a big taboo amongst them .

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