Bricks and lovers 7

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Gods,it felt weird to like a boy eh sorry two boys and at the same time!It was really difficult to sleep this night.I couldn't stop thinking about Percy's sea green eyes and his awesome kisses..Then I remembered the other black haired boy I had a crush on.. Ah, that emo boy,I wanted to feel his lips in mine just as Percy's... gods, I slept so late thinking of things I shouldn't so early. We hadn't even talked to Nico yet, and my head was already coo coo.(You know what I was thinking)
But after I actually slept,I just slept like a baby.
Me and Percy had talked about getting skull rings for Nico just after breakfast and then asking the probabel straight boy to love us?
Ya, that sounds weird.
I woke very glad and felt lucky that this day actually had come.I went to dining hall and waited for Nico to come sit with me like we did everyday.But for my surprise he was late and walking in with Percy.

I woke up a little stressed because of my talk with Jason yesterday and the thought of a probable rejection of Nico,I'm not sure, but I felt something inside me saying that he probably wasn't that straight,wich was a good thing.
As with Jason, we were more than good. I couldn't stop thinking about his perfect lips and his warm chest..
But.. I needed to get dressed for breakfast,as I was heading to the dining hall. I saw Nico and figured I should "friend" talk with him.Well also because I kinda of ignored him when Jason...well, was drunk.
So I shouted:"Hey Nico, wait up!
He stopped, and I ran to him.I don't know if I was supposed to tell the drunk Jason story but I needed him to know that I was just ignoring him because I didn't like him or something like that.
So I said:"Do you remember when I kind of ignored you that day because I had to take care of something?
"Ya.. he said that in an annoyed tone
"Ya, I'm sorry for that, and I do have an explanation.
"Go on then..
"Well, Jason was drunk, and he needed help getting bread and water, which were in my hands when you saw me.
After that, I telled him the story with not so many details as Jason's dick and him touching my butt and that stuff.Right before I was finished he started laughing wich was kinda scary,because I had never heard Nico laugh.So i just did an embarrassing fake smile as we got to the dining hall.
Sitting alone in a desk, there was Jason eating hot dogs(who eats hot dogs for breakfast), so me and Nico got our food and sat near Jason.
When suddenly Nico asked ,"soooo Percy, are you going to do something on your birthday?
Gods, I totally forgot today was august 16th, and well, there were only 2 days until my birthday.
I hadn't thought about it, but now that he asked something horny came into my mind, I probably were grinning because both Nico and Jason looked at me weird.
"Sorry.. eh, I don't know,I'll probably just do something with you too.
As I said that, I saw Jason kind of blushing and me myself blushed a little too.
After breakfast me and Jason talked about what we should do, and we decided that we would buy a brick because it's the symbol of love and bla bla bla(Jason said it). So we went to the brick store( yes it exists)in New Rome,there were many kinds of bricks but Jason fell in love with one of them and said Nico would love it too,though I felt that after we talked to Nico,Jason would probably steal the brick back, as we were done with the shopping we headed back to the camp for the big moment.

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