How did this happen? 1

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When I walked in with that fat goddess in my arms (Juno 🙄), i didn't realize how beautiful the camp was and how many pretty looking people there were there!
Well, of course not, Percy!
You were literally carrying a 100 kg Juno in your beautiful sexy arms, and everyone was staring at you.
I hate being stared at, ughh!!(even though i kinda like it when they're looking at me in a sexual way😏)
It was so much pressure until I finally went inside the camps dining room were everyone was.Everybody was asking me questions and like i said so much pressure 💅.I'm pretty bad at writing these kind of stuff so lets just go to the point.

While everyone one was so interested in me and all that bla bla bla. I saw a gorgeous shape standing in the corner and staring at me like i was a jellyfish,just there to make it all worse (no offense).Well he had an oily and sweet green olive skin and beautiful black hair, (just like mine😏)he was wearing all black and looked kind of emo if i must be honest.Well he looked a litle lonely so just as i was so tired of talking to a group of people i thought, why not just talk to one person first then we'll see if the people let me be.
As i walked over to the mysterious boy someone stopped me and began to talk and to my surprise it was actually not about my entrance with the godess and how i saved Frank's life and bla bla bla.If you wondered Frank and Hazel were currently talking about my arrival with their chef wich they called something like pretor? Predator? Well, idk I'm dislexic and all, so I don't really care, actually.

But back to the one who interrupted my way:If I'm good enough in math i calculated that he was about 1 inch longer than me wich was not really cool.He was blonde and his body muscles,ohhh oh gods save me they looked so fluffy and strong and kind of sexy.Ugh Percy! What are you saying ! You can't just be simning over 2 boys in a weird camp that you just got into!
Ya, I really needed to say that, ok?
Sooo back to what he said, i thought i was going to die because his blue eyes darkened and stared at my soul when he finally said: Hey man,you are not thinking of going to Nico are you ? I mean he clearly doens't need more friends.Because he's got me!He said that very loud so the emo boy wich apparently was Nico could hear in the corner a few meters away from us.But then he lowered his voice and whispered in my ear (i got goosebumps!)look you pretty litle thing.If you mess with ma boy Nico you will regret even coming here in the first place,now don't do anything stupid cause he's coming towards us.Then he kind of sniffed me? And let me go saying: nice perfume.And by the way, my name is Jason.

IMAGINE IF....(Jercico)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt