He is electric 4

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The room i got pushed in was nearly as big as mine, but ofc had different decorations.I saw a drawing of a blonde superman, which clearly was not as the original superman.In the drawing, Superman was blonde and blue eyed.I found that quite funny because the room I got pushed in was Jason's the cute blonde boy who would always say:
Be kind to Nico and bla bla bla.
It was kind of annoying, but I still found it kinda cute.
But I could only focus on these things for like a second because like 3 miliseconds after i felt someone kissing my cheek and then my neck I were still in shock and pulled back and said:"Man!Jason! What are you doing?!
He just replied:"Oh cmon baby girl... you feel so good...
Then he started to take my butt and squeeze it while he smelled my neck.
Then he leaned for another kiss and...
I know I shouldn't, but I kinda of kissed him back.It felt good! Don't blame me! If you had the chance to kiss the electric boy Jason, you would probably kiss him.right?
Okay, after the kiss, I asked him calmly"Jason are you drunk?
"Why would I Jason fricking grace be drunk?!
"Ya okay, big boy, you are drunk.wait here. I'll go get some bread and water.And don't do anything stupid.
"Ya okay, sugar mommy..
"Man, you know I'm Percy, right?and I'm not a girl.
"Eh, who cares,baby boy or baby girl, I don't really care...
After Jason said that, I left the room and went to the dining hall to get some bread and water.On my way there, I might have seen Nico, but I kind of ignored him,because I was focused on cutting the bread for Jason.
As I was walking back up to cohort 5,Nico appeared in front of me and asked
"Are you ignoring me ?because you saw me and didn't even say hi.
"No, of course not. I'm just busy with something.
"Well, if you're that busy, I maybe can help.
"Nah, it's okay, man. we can talk later, K?
Nico looked a bit annoyed but said bye and went talk to Hazel, who was just across us.
As I got back to Jason,oh my gods, he was taking his clothes off!
So I said fast, "Hey man, I'm back here's your bread, and water.Eat it and get some sleep, okay? Bye, see you tomorrow.
I really tried not to look, but I maybe saw his dick?....
After this weird event, I didn't want to think about anything, and I was tired. I just went to bed.

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