Did i just confess?! 6

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What I said surprised even me.I said, "You know Jason, it wouldn't be bad to have kisses every day.
"H-huh? Jason sounded confused, but I continued talking.
" But the thing is th-
"Wait, are you confessing to me?!
"Wait, just hear me out.But the thing is, I don't want to kiss only you. I would really love to kiss Ni-Nico, too.
After I said that, I looked embarrassed at my shoes because I literally just confessed to a boy who was probably 100% straight,and even worse!He is popular. And he probably doesn't even accept the idea of a 3 people relationship.I felt dumb and shook my head while I looked at my shoes.
Suddenly, I felt a smooth hand cupped my chin.I looked up at Jason and heard what he had to say.I imagined everything,but everything that I imagined were negative things.
But hearing his words, I felt amazed.he said
"O-M-G, did you also like the Italian emo boy?! I knew it!
"Wait...what do you mean by also?..
"Ya.... I kind of have a crush on him too?..surprise!....
I was shocked. Like there are no other words to describe how I felt.
"So you are not straight?... I asked
"Ehhh.. I don't know.. after yesterday, I don't know how to feel.. I know I have always been interested in girls, but I do like boys too. Does that make me bi?...
"Ya pretty much... Welcome to the bi club.
"Ya ya, thanks. But what are we going to do about this "love" situation?..
"I guess we gotta ask Nico if he feels the same..
"Ya, I guess so.
"OMG, I just had the best idea!what if.. only if you want.. we can both buy one ring or whatever that boy likes,skulls or anything, and then we can like stand on one knee or something and ask him and ask each other too if we are going to be something more,and if you or he doesn-
I got cut off by lips touching mine slowly.I guess he saw I was overthinking too much.
"Look, perce it's really cute when you overthink, but let's just do it, ok.Lets just go back to camp, and we can talk to him tomorrow, k?
He grabbed my cheek, and I slapped him while saying.
"Ya ok, Superman.
I said that running because he would notice that I saw the drawings in his room.
The rest of the day was just a normal day, and then I said bye to Jason and went to sleep.

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