"Ay man. Who's that over there?" He said and I looked over at the girl walking in. "Clarie, Clarie Thompson." I said eying her as she walked through the cafeteria.

"Look like to me she coming over here." Marcus said and she was. I didn't need no small talk with her, because I knew Paris despised of her.

I turned my head when I noticed her staring at me. I knew what Clarie was about. "Hey cutie." She said sitting in front of me. "Hey dick sucker." I replied giving her a smirk and she laughed.

"I like that." She said and I shook my head. "What the hell you want?" I said getting irritated. "You, but have you seen Deja around?" She said and I shook my head no.

Deja wasn't opening the door for me the pass two days, so I didn't know what was up with her. "Oh that's crazy. I just wanted to tell her sorry for her lost." She said and I lifted a brow. "Who died?" Marcus said jumping in.

"Lucas, we found his body a couple of days back." She said smirking as if this shit was funny. "Get the fuck out of here slut." I said getting up from the table with Marcus strolling up behind me.

"You alright?" Marcus asked and I ignored him. I knew this was probably the reason she was probably ignoring me and it was a pathetic reason. I knew it was more to this story then that and I was determined to find out.


I pulled up to the apartments and rushed out of my car and charged to the door. I knocked repeatedly and there was still no answer.

Getting angrier I pounded on the door with my back until it finally opened. I looked around the apartment and didn't find her anywhere.

I saw some soda and a tv dinner left on the table, so I knew someone had to taken her. It's not like her to leave shit around like this. Deja had OCD, and mess bothered her to the limit.

I sighed throwing myself on the couch as the tears slowly fell down my face. I knew crying wasn't a nigga thing, but I couldn't take this shit.

- Midnight: Around 2AM

Paris P.O.V

Deja was sound asleep, but I couldn't sleep for nothing. I was starving for some food.

I pushed myself out of the bed, staring at the big scar I had on my leg. It was healing, but it hurt. I limped my way out of the room and towards the kitchen.

As I got in there, I noticed broken glass on the floor. "What the fuck I mumbled?" I step around it until I missed and stepped on one with my toe. "Ouch" I said lowly.

I was about to open the refrigerator when I started to here a whimper. It was loud, but it wasn't in the kitchen. I limped my way to the sound and It was coming from Chresanto's room.

I peeped inside and saw him crying. I noticed the pills and brown paper bags that were sitting on his desk.

I walked in and went up to his desk slowly. He didn't notice me, so I was fine. I looked at the pills and merely froze. These weren't just any pills to take. Chresanto was taking opiates, and with crack cocaine on the side.

Chresanto is killing him self slowly. "What the fuck you doing in here?" He said and I jumped. "I-I-I came to check on you." I lied.

"Why so you can tell me how you feel about me again? And hurt me? You know this is your fault I'm this way! I should've never helped your ass when I first met you. You're a pathetic dumb son of a bitch!" He said standing up and I slowly walked back, but he kept walking closer to me.

He punched me in my face and I fell over. "Chresanto, please." I cried, but he ignored me.

He kicked me repeatedly in the stomach again and then went to my face. I tried to get up, but my legs were to weak. I saw him pull out his pocket knife again.

He calmed down and came down to my face, he slide the knife down me fast and I screamed.

He took the knife and scraped it down my arms, as I screamed once more. I couldn't believe Deja couldn't hear all of this. Where could she be?

Everything got dark and Chresanto started to fade off in my vision.. the last thing I said was "Stop."


Chresanto in the Multimedia... tell me what y'all think.. Just a short chapter.

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