"So what's her problem? Isn't she academically good?"

"Her results seemed pretty low on the mock exam. More generally, I'd say her problem isn't just academically, but also in terms of her personality; she's so quiet that she seems to be a loner within the class."

"I see, it's true that we need to have a very close-knit class if we hope to achieve our goals. If we don't end up in class A by the end of high school, we'll have spent three years fighting for nothing, it's out of the question."

Class D was fragile to begin with; if it wasn't completely united, then it was never going to succeed. No one knew anything about Sakura Airi's skills, she might have hidden talents she hadn't exploited, it was essential to know everyone's potential if Sora and Shiro were to form the ultimate army.

"Ike, Yamauchi, Sudou, Sakura, Hondou and others... class D still has a long way to go."

It's true that if you took into account all the profiles that were causing concern, you'd quickly arrive at a dozen students who could risk expulsion at any moment. If the rest of the D class gave their all to their studies, then the class average would rise, and if the class average rose, then it became all the more complicated for the students at the bottom of the class to keep up.

"It looks like some students are going to have to hold back on their academic abilities until everyone is up to speed, we especially need to avoid having too high a class average, if only in the first year."

"Yes, with Shiro we'll keep our results towards the middle, we'll increase them as the class progresses."

"Six weeks have already gone by... we mustn't waste a moment, we're soon approaching the middle of the term, which means..."

The wind blew lightly outside and could be heard knocking on the trees as Sora and Shiro listened to Suzune talk about the situation in Class D, a heavy mood upon them, thinking of the next big step ahead.

"The special exams are coming up... is that what you mean?"

"If these exams push classes against each other then a class will need coordination to win. For that to happen, students need to have a modicum of trust in each other."

"Yeah... in other words, if we don't get everyone to give it their all over the next few days, it'll be hard to imagine us winning a special exam and without those victories the gap we'll have with the other classes will only become more consequential..."

Suzune could clearly feel the pressure on her shoulders, listening to Sora's explanations with a weight on her heart, realizing once again the mountains still to climb.

"I don't feel it."


Shiro's eyes turned to Suzune, Sora was looking at her seriously, something seemed to be bothering her but they couldn't understand what it was. Her gaze was dark, fixed fully on Sora.

"Your anxiety, I don't sense it, the situation doesn't seem to bother you at all, yet we're last and the class we're targeting has at least triple the class points. I know you beat my brother but... this situation is completely different, don't rest on your oars."

She said, with an assertive tone, looking them straight in the eye, they seemed so relaxed she couldn't make sense of it. Sora and Shiro looked at each other for a few seconds, a little surprised, then turned to her with smiles on their faces.

"Of course we do, we feel the stress fully... simply the situation excites us so much that this feeling seems to take over everything else."

"Excitement? How is that possible?"

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