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They finally went back to their dormitory after both of them had bought a Nintendo Switch with a game they could play together, it cost them 35,400 points each, they added to that their market-shopping which cost them 10,000 points, they had already spent 40,400 points each since they had shared the shopping expenses.

Their room was the equivalent of 12 tatami mats, the other students' room was 8.

"That's acceptable, I'll miss our 16 tatami though."

"Even if this one still looks bigger than ours."

Sora placed two large shopping bags on the table and the bag of consoles on the bed, Shiro began to unpack the consoles while Sora rolled several boxes of instant noodles, energy bars and snacks of all kinds over the table.

"At least some of our daily routine won't change too much."

Shiro nodded her head in agreement. Sora began boiling water for two cans of instant noodles as Shiro set the consoles to charge.

They took off their clothes that had really chafed them during the day and slipped into their pajamas without hesitation. They both knew that they had not planned to go out to socialize and they were quite tired. A day of talking to humans was more exhausting than five consecutive days of playing.

They spent their evening playing until midnight.



The next morning began their first real class, Shiro and Sora got up at a time when they usually went to bed, getting out of bed to meet people and not play video games was difficult.

They got ready and ate something before leaving their room, making sure they locked it. It always seemed strange to wear such stylish student outfits but Sora liked it, he felt like a king, well until he went outside and the heat of the season hit him in the face. The journey to class became much more difficult.

When he got there most of the students were already present, it was quite a unique feeling to be with so many people in a room at 7 o'clock in the morning, especially when these people were your classmates for the next three years. Most had their heads up their asses, but a few groups that had already formed here and there were in the mood to talk this early in the morning.

As they walked to their seats, Sora and Shiro saw the "Ice Queen" Horikita Suzune again. They had noticed yesterday that her name and the name of the council president coincided, but it didn't seem strange to them. The council president seemed like a student of excellence and if the Ice Queen happened to be his sister, it was not surprising to see them in the same high school because she seemed to be very interested in reading. It didn't prove that she was a good student, but her unwavering focus and seriousness were factors that tended in that direction.

Sora wanted to start a conversation, for reasons that concerned him, but his momentum was broken by the arrival of the teacher. He sat down silently at his place and prepared himself for the beginning of the class. It was quite peculiar, far from what they had imagined, he understood why some students didn't pay too much attention to yesterday's class since it was nothing but information they could find on their phones but today was the beginning of the real classes yet many students were not focused. Some of them had bought tablets on which they were reading manga, others were putting on make-up or sleeping, some of the front row students were trying to pay attention but this mixed atmosphere was also distracting them.

The teacher didn't say anything about it, she continued her lesson as if nothing had happened, after an hour she finished and simply left class. Sora turned to Shiro.

"Shiro, you read the rules yesterday while walking to the convenience store, were there any rules about attitude in class?"

"Not specifically...I thought the rules were pretty limited by the way, they weren't specific and didn't cover many areas. There were the standard rules against violence or stealing, but nothing about everyday behavior."

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