Chapter 25: The Plan.

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The next morning Izuku awoke in Katsuki's arms. He stares at him, studying his new mates beautiful features. His beautiful, soft pink lips, his defined jaw... beautifully shaped cat-like eyes. How fate managed to bring these 2 together, despite the circumstances, he'll never understand."He is truly breath-taking." Katsuki opened his eyes. "You're the one thats breath-taking" He says with a gentle smile on his face. Izuku's face turns red, Shit! Did I say that outloud? "G'morning baby" Katsuki says, kissing his mate's forehead. "Good Morning!" Izuku smiles. 

Having stayed at the BK Mansion, Izuku only had the clothes he wore the day he got there. Shoto offered to have Momo bring clothes back for him but Izuku declined knowing Momo and everyone else were busy since he went into heat early. "Kacchan offered me a change of clothes" Izuku told Shoto. After getting changed, Izuku exits the room and makes his way to Katsuki's office, Shoto trailing behind him. They're discussing the next steps in the plan they were creating to take down the Hassaikai. "Ahh Midoriya! How are you feeling?" a bubbly voice behind him exclaims. Izuku and Shoto turn around and see Mina coming up behind them. 

"Oh Mina! I'm feeling well, thanks!" Izuku smiles, he reaches out to grab her hands. "I wanted to thank you for taking care of me the other day when I went into heat!" he says with a grateful tone. "Don't worry about it. I know what it's like to have a heat that bad!" she smiles. "Us omegas know how to help each other the best!" Mina continues "Good thing Bakugou was quick to think about calling me!" she finishes. Izuku smiles, saying their goodbyes, the 2 continue walking to Katsuki's office. 

*Knock Knock*

"Master Bakugou, we're here" Shoto says, opening the door for Izuku and himself. They walk into the room and find Kirishima and Katsuki sitting on the couches going through files. "Ah, hey deku! You feeling better now?" Kirishima asks with a big toothy grin. "Yes, I'm back in tip top shape, Kiri!" he responds back with his famously big smile. "Alright, lets get started. We have a lot to discuss!" Izuku exclaims, sitting down next to Katsuki. The 3 nod, slapping on their game faces.

A little while later, they've finished their meeting and Katsuki calls for all of the BK members to meet in the banquet hall. Waiting for the members to crowd in, Katsuki and Izuku stand on the stage. Kirishima and Shoto stand at the bottom of the stairs. "Ahem" Katsuki clears his throat. "Everyone listen up!" Kirishima yells, getting all the members attention. "Alright Extras!" Katsuki yells over the microphone. "It's time to discuss the plan between the BK Dynasty and the MidoriDragons!" he finishes. 

Everyone looks at the stage. "We, The BK Dynasty, and The MidoriDragons will be merging into one as of today!" Katsuki exclaims over the microphone. Handing the microphone to Izuku, he steps back giving him space to explain the plan they came up with for the merger. "Hello everyone! I'm Izuku Midoriya!" he says. "I go by Deku and I prefer you to refer to me as such!" he starts. "As I'm sure a lot of you are aware, The MidoriDragons, work out of New York. But we're originally rulers of Japan! Given the circumstances we'll be re-loating back to our homeland this week!" he says, looking out to the BK members. Noticing some with confused looks, he continues.

"After gathering extensive intel on both sides and gathering more data with the help of Mr. Aizawa, we have determined that the history of the loss of both previous heads, was the work of a hidden organization, known as the Shie Hassaikai!" Izuku says, raising his voice. Izuku holds his hand out handing the microphone to Katsuki. He walks up, continuing the speech. "As Deku was saying, The MidoriDragons are originally from here!" he starts. "Digging up old family history, we came across a contract left from previous heads of both organizations. From the moment Deku and I were born, we were traded to each other's organizations and contracted to mate when our 2nd genders presented!" he explains. 

"Deku now wears my bite mark on the back of his neck!" Katsuki roars! Izuku steps forward again, taking the microphone from Katsuki. "Now that we'll be merging together, I will be headed back to my villa tonight to prepare for the Dragons to come to Japan." Izuku claims. "In 1 week, The MidoriDragons will be moving into the BK Mansion! At that time, we will be preparing for their arrival! If anyone has a problem with this, speak now!" Katsuki exclaims. The room is silent. "Dismissed" Kirishima yells.

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