Chapter 5: Japan??

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"Deku~ are you in here?!" Uraraka opens his bedroom door to see if he's there. Looking she can't see him so she walks in and finds him still sleeping. She crawls into bed with him and hugs him awake. "Mmm... Morning" he says rubbing sleep from his eyes. "G'mornin babe!" Uraraka responds.

"How are you feeling? Your heat is suppose to be coming in a couple of days" Uraraka says, watching as Izuku stretches and gets his clothes out for the day. "I feel alright, my heat wont stop me from doing what I have to" he expresses as he walks over to his ensuite bathroom.

Izuku Midoriya, a 23 year old, hyper-dominant Omega. He never met his biological father since he died before he was born, leaving his mother to run the MidoriDragons. At the age of 4 his mother married his mentor, Toshinori Yagi. Midoriya trained day and night, learned everything about the underworld and anything to do with it.

Being an omega, even a hyper-dominant one meant people wouldn't take him seriously unless he showed no mercy. Growing up with the will to prove his dominance in an Alphas world, he became notoriously successful in the mafia world and was extremely feared by even the toughest of alphas. But thats not to say he didn't have those wanting to mate him either.

Midoriya was stunning! Beautiful bright green, sparkly eyes. Unruly, bouncy green curls. His curves and plump ass were borderline dangerous. His pheromones were incredible, smelling like Mint Chocolate with a hint of Strawberry. Izuku is so beautiful and powerful that many family clans have tried to seek his hand in marriage.

"So Deku, What's on the agenda today?" Uraraka asked while she washed Midoriya's hair.

"Mmm... we need to visit intel and go over the file involving our infiltrator from BK Dynasty" he states leaving Uraraka a little taken aback. "How much do you think we've gathered in the last 3 years?" she asks. "Enough to finally get my revenge!" he responds.

Uraraka remembers Izuku's 20th birthday like it was yesterday. On July 15th 20??, his parents threw a huge party inviting all his friends, subordinates, congressmen and senators. They were all celebrating when gunshots were heard throughout Midori Hall. Shoto ran and got Izuku down to the ground. Guards went to fire back but there was no sign of a shooter. the only evidence left behind that there was one was the bodies of Inko Midoriya and Toshinori Yagi.

One of their Squad leaders was killed and left with blood writing on the wall saying:

"MidoriDragons will Fall!"

And a note listing personal information on the family, right hands, commanders and the like.

Following the end of the letter, the information on the party and threats to kill the Midoriya family. The end of the letter was signed:

- BK Dynasty.

Completely dressed, Izuku puts on his jewelry and than puts on his thigh high boots. Walking over to his best friend, "You ready to get down to intel, my love?" he questions with a small smile. Nodding, she grabs hold of his hand and they make their way down to the intel office.

Coming out of the elevator, the 2 friends walk to the intel office. "Hey Momma!" Izuku exclaims. "Hiya Momo!" Uraraka smiles in excitement! "Hello my babies!" Momo responds to the duo. Momo is an alpha, she's 2 years older than Izuku and Uraraka. Her family has been with the Midoriya's for as long as she can think back too. All have been head of intel with no one matching their level.

"I take it you're here to talk about BK Dynasty?" she asks with a smile. "Yeah, we gathered more info last night, Iida should have sent it down to you" Izuku explains. "Yes, I did receive that, and after going over it all, things weren't making any sense.." Momo starts. "What do you mean?" Uraraka asks, concern in her voice. "Well.. its just.. hey Deku.. have you ever been to Japan?"

"Japan? hmm... Ahh I have actually, but I was around 5 or 6.. why?" Izuku asked, genuinely curious as to what Japan has to do with this. "Well... that makes even less sense... Deku, BK Dynasty is in Japan, they have no ties in or around America at all. That's all i can really find out though. Anything relating their head or their members is no where to be found, all I was able to find out was that they run all of Tokyo.." Momo finished explaining.

"Hmm... Got it. Momo, keep digging. Any piece of information is 1 piece closer to avenging my parents! Uraraka, help out whatever way you can" Izuku commanded. "On it, don't you worry my baby! Momma Momo is getting to work!" "You got it babe!" Uraraka huffed. "Thanks babes, oh and Momo, please get word to all commanders and their squads, we'll be having a meeting tonight after dinner. And please send all the intel you've gathered on BK to Shoto" Izuku demanded as he headed out the door.

Headed back upstairs, Izuku's head was full of thoughts. Japan? Why is a mafia leader in Japan starting a war with his mafia? Did he have any ties in Japan himself?

The elevator dinged, shaking him out of his head. "Hey Midoriya, I got the intel files from Momo" Shoto said walking with Izuku to his office. "Sho... You've been with my family from day one, we grew up like brothers since we were in diapers... As my family AND my right hand.. I need you more than ever right now.." Izuku said, trying to fight back his tears. Shoto could tell Izuku was under a lot of stress and pressure due to the souring change in his pheromones.

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