Chapter 50: WAR! Pt. 2

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Warning: This chapter contains descriptions of VIOLENCE!

The commanders were still by the alter facing off against the Shie Hassaikai commanders. Uraraka was facing off against a commander named Toga. Her favorite weapon of choice was knives. She swung endlessly trying to cut Uraraka. Jiro was directing all of the commanders from the command center they set up with Amajiki and Kaminari directing others. They had a drone flying over the battlefield announcing when more members emerged from the forest towards the group. Aizawa went after Chisaki and fought with him until he disappeared. The Shie Hassaikai's second in command, Kurono entered the battle and stopped Aizawa from following his Boss. "I've waited for this day Erasure!" He exclaimed as he started to charge towards the tired man. Aizawa was nicknamed 'Erasure' because once he killed someone he made it as if they never exsisted in the first place. He could erase everything related to them in any way, be it government identification to news articles. "Some ceremony this is." Aizawa commented as he set to face off against the man.

Izuku noticed Chisaki headed towards him. "Oh my, I'm just shaking in excitement to put an end to your wretched existence." Chasaki comments as he walks towards Izuku. The young dragon pointed his gun at the Hassaikai head staring him down. Katsuki glanced over as he was surrounded by Hassaikai soldiers. 'FUCK! I gotta get over there!' he yelled in his head as he continued fighting the soldiers. "ICY-HOT!" He roared trying to grab Shoto's attention. The duel haired man and the red head were too far to hear him over the gun fire and yelling as men dropped to the floor screaming. "FUCK!" Katsuki glanced over again. Chisaki and Izuku were facing off against each other, trying to over power each other to win their fight.


Shots were firing back and forth between the 2 as Iuzku and Chisaki took cover behind trees. "I promise you! This ends with us taking your head!" Izuku yelled firing his gun at the other. "I beg to differ you runt!" Chisaki yelled back, firing his weapon grazing Isuku's arm. Izuku winced, grabbing his arm as he ducked down behind a tree. He reloaded his gun and went to aim when Chisaki disappeared. He scoped around but couldn't find the other with all the heat signals in his sight. 'Fuck.. Where did this piece of shit go..' He thought to himself, looking over to his mate to make sure he was okay. He noticed that Katsuki had around 20 members surrounding him. "Shit shit shit! I gotta get to him" he whispered to himself when heard a voice getting closer to him "You won't make it to him! You will stand here and watch your beloved alpha draw his last breath!" the voice taunted. " WE WILL NOT FALL INTO YOUR HANDS!" Izuku roared as he shot in the direction of the voice. "My, you have quite the temper, Izuku Mirodiya!" the voice echoed between the gun shots. "TONIGHT! IZUKU MIDORIYA AND KATSUKI BAKUGOU WILL JOIN THEIR PARENTS IN THE AFTERLIFE!" Chisaki yelled as he lunged at Izuku.

Katsuki heard a scream coming from the direction his lover was in. He pulled out his gun and started shooting every soldier that came at him, hoping it would be able to get to his husbands side quicker. He looked all around to try and spot Izuku when he noticed Chisaki kneeling on the ground. He realized he was kneeling over top of Izuku. "DEKU!" he roared fighting back the members as he tried to run to his mate. He watched as Izuku struggled to get up. 'Just how strong is this guy that even Deku can't get him off?' he questioned himself when suddenly he watched as Chisaki plunged his knife straight into Izuku's body. He was too far to tell where Izuku was stabbed but the young dragon stopped moving. Katsuki lost control. His eyes started glowing brighter as his bore his fangs and released a substantial amount of pheromones, forcing all of the Hassaikai members into submission. He had officially gone feral.

We Will Not Fall!!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant