Chapter 48. Inferiority

Start from the beginning

"Number one, Ken... I won't go easy even if it's you!" Cecilia countered Ken's claim straightaway.

When the group got to the dining hall, Ken spotted Clare and decided to try and go chat with her once again. But before he could say a word to Clare, someone shaved him out of the way from behind.

"Move, commoner." Ken heard Xandrian's annoying voice as he got pushed out of the way.

"Oh hi Xandrian, didn't see you there." Ken replied calmly.

"Clare, I just got a letter from my father that the Yelwraek king had approved of our marriage. While thinking back, I should have taken Cecilla instead since it seems like she was the better of the two all along but I had my eyes on you for way too long to not make you mine now that your father had given his consent." Xandrian said with an air of importance and arrogance.

"Xandrian. I will never marry you, I have already made that clear. Stop bothering me and leave." Clare replied without hesitation.

"I don't think you understand what I am saying Clare. Your father, the king of Yelwraek, has given you to me to be my wife. You don't get a say in this matter."

"Xandrian, I don't care if it's the king of Yelwraek or even if it's the hero who reset our entire world. Clare is mine." Ken couldn't stop himself from cutting into the conversation.

"HAhahaha! Have you gone crazy, human? I know you think you are a big shot or special because you have a few Yelwraek princesses fawning over you but at the end of the day, they are nothing but chess pieces for the men who are in power. If I want, I could have that used one too, but I will let you keep her since she is no longer worthy." Xandrian replied with a chuckle, not taking Ken seriously at all.

"I am not an object that belongs to my father or anyone else!"

Pushing Ken away while giving him a death stare, Clare stormed out from the dining hall as everyone who was at the dining hall watched in silence.

Not bothering saying a word to Ken, Xandrian walked off with his friends while laughing and joking about what just took place.

"Guess she didn't take that one well. Sorry everyone, I'm heading out to town to look for her. Not sure when I will be back." Ken replied as he followed the elf princess out of the dining hall.

"Good luck Ken. This really has been going on for far too long. Kiss some sense into that stubborn girl."

"Thanks Alice!"

Rushing out of the dining hall, Ken asked around and was guided towards the southern port of the island where multiple students saw Clare walking away south of the academy.

While it would have taken him 3 hours to walk to the port if he was still a beginner without any ability to enhance. The Ken now with all of his enhancements and basic abilities easily searched the whole southern portion of the town making sure Clare didn't stop somewhere along the way and made it all the way to the port in under an hour.

Finding the elf princess sitting at the very end of the dock on the last wooden bench staring into the ocean with a dazed look, Ken gently sat down next to the elf girl.

"Clare, I took that push personally. How come you pushed me and gave me a death stare while you didn't say or do anything to Xandrian." Ken asked jokingly.

Without saying a word, Clare turned to Ken and just sat there staring at him.

"You know Clare,I know you are not an object but that doesn't mean you aren't mine. I clearly remember claiming you from way back when and you definitely did not protest. Just because you are a princess doesn't mean you can go back on your words you know."

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