Angor Management | Part 1

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Toby and Claire both received the text message of the things that transpired during the last two days. Y/n was missing— most likely kidnapped by Angor, and Strickler was under Jim's protection until they could break the binding spell.

It was now Saturday evening and half the gang was here trying to interpret what Chompsky was trying to say. "Y/n's missing? This is really bad." Claire panics looking at the message. "Or she could be conspiring with Angor Rot." Toby mutters, still not letting go of the fact that she was secretly evil. Claire rolls her eyes, agitated by Toby's persistence.

Blinky and Aaarrgh share a look with Chompsky who just broke out of the Darklands. "When was the message sent?" Blinky asks as Toby looks at the notification. "Five hours ago." He says as Claire sighs. "This is why we shouldn't put our phones on vibrate." Claire says, placing a hand on her hip. "Jim probably wanted us to look into that!" Claire exclaims, gesturing at his phone.

Toby's phone starts to vibrate in his hand. "Speak of the Devil," He mutters before picking up. "Yo Jimbo! You'll never guess who escaped the Darklands." Toby says as Jim over the phone screams for him to open the door to Trollmarket.

Toby scurries around looking for a horngazaal to open the door to allow Jim in. "Did I miss something?" Blinky asks Aaarrgh as he just shrugs, just as confused as Blinky.


Jim and Strickler's plan went left real quick when his mom came back from work. They had Angor Rot where they wanted, but his mom had to come in and try to help, leading into a scrap between Angor and Strickler— to which Strickler got cut by his blade and now they were in his car, recklessly driving to Trollmarket.

"Stay with me mom!" Jim encourages his mom as he grabs the wheel of the car turning into the canal. Strickler, getting control back of the wheel looks up at the bridge to see Angor Rot looking back down on them. "Jim!" Strickler yells as Angor hops down into their car, breaking the back window and pulls Jim out as Strickler accelerates.

Jim is holding onto Angie's horns for dear life as they get dragged along. "Where's Y/n?!" Jim asks, summoning his thigh blades as he uses them to flip onto the car. Angor growls at him in response, flipping onto the rooftop of the car as Jim barrel rolled inside.

"We have to lose him before we get into Trollmarket." Jim tells Strickler to which he obliges, driving on the sides of the canal, Angor falling off the car. Strickler turns the wheel, stopping when Angor Rot stands before them, feet away. Jim maneuvers to pop out of the broken window, summoning his thigh blades, putting the two together to make their boomerang form.

Angor smirks, summoning a blast of purple magic as Jim throws the blade as he summons his shield. "Go under the bridge!" Jim points as Strickler drives as Angor blocks the blade with his magic blast. Strickler drives right for Angor as Angor flips over their car, landing smoothly before sending a flurry of magic blasts at them as Jim blocks them with his shield.

"Straight at the wall, just drive straight for it!" Jim instructs as Strickler turns the wheel, going directly at it as he voices his concern about it not opening.

Before they hit it, it opens, sending them flying down into Trollmarket. Jim quickly hops out the car when they land, opening the car door to bring out his mom. "Where's Vendal?!" Jim asks as he carries his mom bridal style.


The gang sits outside as they wait to hear about the condition of Jim's mom. Claire sighs into her hands. "First Y/n and now Miss Lake." She mumbles as Jim stops pacing. "I totally forgot about Y/n! Did you have any luck finding her with the shadow staff?!" Jim hurriedly asks as Claire shoots Toby a glare as he nervously laughs. "Well about that," Toby try's to explain his self before getting interrupted by Vendal. "His mother is resting for now, but we must move her to the heart stone." He says as Strickler walks out beside him, his arm in a sling.

"Any luck on finding your friend?" Strickler asks as they shake their head no. Strickler frowns, debating on whether to tell them the truth or not. Jim takes a step forward, "We need to break the binding spell." He says as Vendal agrees. "Yes but she can't properly heal while still attached to the changeling. This is Gumm-Gumm magic and I don't know the proper incantation." Vendal explains as Jim turns to Strickler, stone eyed.

"But he does." Jim grits out as he points at Strickler as everyone turns to him. "Well tell him the incantation then!" Toby demands as Strickler frowns. "I don't have it." He says as Aaarrgh growls at him. "It's in the book of Ga-Huel in my office." Strickler tells them as Jim indtrincly says they need to go get it.

"Todays the Spring Fling, you know how coach gets about the kids in the halls." Toby reminds him as Jim remembers the dance. "Oh the dance, I forgot." Jim sighs as Claire rubs his back in reassurance. "We'll retrieve the incantation from the book, no worries. We'll bring it back and then go looking for Y/n." Claire says as Jim nods in agreement.

"You must go now, make haste!" Vendal says as Claire pulls out her staff, making a portal as she and Toby goes inside.

[TrollHunters] Angor Rot x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora