Blinky's Day Out | Part 1

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Y/n sat on her uncles desk, watching Otto fumble about his words. It seemed to her that Otto was scared of Angor's presence as he used his knife to cut his totem.

Otto chuckled nervously, taking his hat off of his head. "The Janus Order has sent me." He said, Y/n getting excited from the mention of the organizations name.

"Can I finally join? Like- I feel as if I'm the hardest worker here." Y/n stated, rolling her eyes dramatically. "Um, no." Otto said, waving her off.

"They are starting to question your leadership." Otto told them, well specifically Strickler, who threw the goblin who was massaging him at Otto, who ducked, the creature landing at Angor Rot's feet.

Angor Rot looking down at the creature then returned back to his carving. "They are worried-" Otto got cut off by metal clanking in the background, Angor Rot still carving.

"-You don't have everything in control." He whispered, giving a small laugh. Y/n sighed, clasping her hands together causing Otto to look in her direction, directly at the ring on her finger.

"As long as I have his ring on my finger, Uncle has my permission to control him." Y/n said, giving Otto a taunting grin.

"And how long will your uncle be alive to control me?" Angor asked groggily from his corner. Otto whimpered as Y/n just laughed slightly, "Ah, Angie, you and your jokes always get me every time!" Y/n said, wiping a tear from her eye.

Strickler gave his niece the side eye and cleared his throat. "We have information to suggest the Trollhunter possesses the Birthstone." Strickler stated, bringing out his pen from his suit. Y/n smiled proudly but then her smile turned into disgust as she remembered being shat out by Gatto.

"They weren't supposed to know about that. I thought you burned to books." Otto said, pointing at Strickler.

Y/n tuned out the conversation as the Goblin walked towards her with a sharpie in hand. She gave it a look as she watched it try to give her the sharpie. "Ha, no way am I drawing a mustache on my face bud." Y/n told it as he just snarled at her.

Y/n looked at it in fake shock, putting a hand on her chest. She snarled back, startling the goblin. Y/n smirked and laughed, turning her attention back to Otto and Strickler. She also clocked that Angor had stopped carving to look at her.

Otto's mouth was agape and Strickler was just shaking his head in his hands. "See, this is why you aren't in the Janus Order." Otto stated, wiggling his finger in her direction.

Y/n opened her mouth in shock, slapping his finger away. "Your finger stinks, and so does that ugly trench coat of yours." Y/n said, huffing and turning her gaze away. She heard Angor chuckle lowly in the corner as he continued carving.

"I don't smell! At least I don't think I do.." Otto stated, questioning himself as he started to smell his armpit. "Uck- you're fine Otto. Let's get back to business please." Strickler said, removing the cap of his pen to reveal the changeling key, walking to the keyhole in his book shelf.

"Alright, but what about the bigger picture?" Otto asked from behind him. Strickler ignored him to insert the key in the hole, and turn it revealing his planning room. Y/n watched them walk in as she just turned around to see the room once again.

"Eliminating the Trollhunter is but the first part of my machinations." Strickler started to speak but Y/n sighed, turning her gaze to Angor, who was still carving. She walked over to him in a goofy manner, standing in front of him.

"What do you want?" Angor asked, sighing out. Y/n rolled her eyes at the bluntness. "I wanted to know what those little dolls are for." Y/n told him, grinning in a playful manner. Angor looked up from his totem to see the fleshbag smiling at him. He always did like the way their eyes lit up.. he growled in disgust at his thought.

Y/n looked at him perplexed at the sudden emotion change she felt on the ring. She gave him a thorough look, deep in thought. "Angie.. are you bipolar?" Y/n joked, tittering a bit. "Bipolar?" Angor asked as she just sighed, face palming. She laughed into her palm, "It's nothing, never mind." She assured him as he went back to carving, finishing up the totem.

"You still never told me what the doll is for." She said, pointing at the doll. "They're totems, and you'll see when the time is right." Angor told her as he continued carving.

Strickler and Otto came out of the secret room, the wall going back up behind them. Angor ripped off a piece of his body, starting to carve once more. "Uh- did you just rip off a piece of your body?" Otto asked, grabbing his own arm.

"Would you rather I rip off a piece of yours?" Angor fired back easily as Y/n snorted trying to hold in a laugh. "Angie- play nice now." She said, eyes watering.

Otto cleared his throat, still scared. "And what are those for?" He asked, pointing at the totems. "That's what I wanna know!" Y/n concurred, turning to look back at Angor.

"His friends." Angor started, "Time I met the hunter alone." Angor licked his knife before placing it onto the head of the totem. Y/n watched this action, not knowing why her stomach was doing flips. Folding her arms, she gave Angor a look.

"You know I'm friends with Jim, right?" Y/n told Angor who ignored her. "The totems won't hurt me- right?!"


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