Adultnapped | Part 2

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Strickler was under the protection of the Trollhunter due to the fact that if Strickler was to get hurt, so would Jim's mom. So Strickler had the upper hand.. at least he thought he did.

He didn't know where Y/n was, and Angor didn't have a soul anymore. There was no holding back his true potential as the great assassin he was.. is known as. So much so that last night, Angor attempted to kill him once and for all. Strickler able to fend him off by diving out his car as he watched it and Angor fall off a cliff.

That wasn't enough to kill him though, he's seen worst. He's face Merlin. Granted he wasn't able to kill him, he still put up a fight.

Strickler was awaken by Jim holding a sock in front of him. Strickler disgusted, shifts his head to the side. "I don't consume socks. I'm not like that nasty brute behind you." Strickler says, smirking when Draal let's out a furious huff through his nose. Jim frowned, turning to Draal as Draal ranted about how they should just kill Strickler, Jim quickly reminding him of the spell Angor casted on him and his mother.

Strickler tuned all this out as he thinks of his niece, her and her connection to Angor. Surely Angor wouldn't kill her.. right?

"Young Atlas, I'd like to make a phone call whenever you feel like untying me." Strickler cooly requests as Draal scowls at the request. "Deprive him of his right to communicate with the outside world." Draal immediately tells Jim to which Jim looks at Strickler. "How do I know you won't call someone to help? Like the Janus Order?" Jim inquires as Strickler frowns.

Before Angor attacked him, Otto told him that the Janus Order decided that he wasn't fit to lead them, that he's only chasing after his own glory rather than Gunmars. It stung to say the least as he watched Otto and a few goblins pull off leaving him in the empty streets of Arcadia.

"You don't have to worry about the Janus Order anymore, they don't want anything to do with me." Strickler tells him as Jim thinks it over. Draal huffs in annoyance. "You can't seriously be thinking about it."

Jim gives a look to Draal before turning to Strickler. "My house, my rules. You aren't allowed to call anyone." Jim tells him sternly as Strickler's heart drops. He's just worried about his niece for crying out loud.

Strickler frowns, "As you wish." He turns to glare at Draal as Draal smirks, crossing his arms as Jim goes to cut the ropes restricting Strickler. "So, since you don't eat socks, would you want some cereal?" Jim asks as he makes his armor go away, putting his amulet on the table, ducking beneath the sink to pull out a box of cereal, shaking it with a smile.


Life in the sewers was something Y/n could never get her head wrapped around. How could Bular and Angor take the smell? Although her nose was getting used to it, it still stunk. Y/n was always mainly sleep due to the magic dust Angor uses on her. She didn't know when her friends would come looking for her, and if they would come looking for her based off of what Angor told her.

Freaking Angor Rot. Y/n guesses she should've seen it coming since he had his soul contained in a ring. A ring he wanted to give to her as a gesture of lov

Y/n snapped awake as Angor intently watched her from across the muddy water. She frowned, adjusting her eyes to the darkness once more. She noticed that everytime she woke up, Angor wouldn't be closer to her as he used to be. Maybe he set up some type of trap, after all, she was bait for Jim and her uncle.

She turned to look at Angor who hasn't stopped staring at her ever since she woke up. "What are you looking at?" Y/n asks, moving her gaze away from the troll who made her heart hurt in the wrong and right ways.

She adjusted her restrained wrist against the pole, feeling a bruise growing. "You." Angor says, bringing out a knife to twirl around. Y/n turns to look at him as he plays with his knife. She frowns, for all she knows that knife was the one he used to try and kill her only family member left.

"I don't know why you kidnapped me, don't you think someone more close to Jim would've done the trick?" Y/n asks, eyeing the rope that held her against the pole. It was tied tightly, and there wasn't anything around her that was sharp enough to cut through it—

"I just don't want only the Trollhunter, I want the Impure as well." Angor says, saying some words in Troll tongue that Y/n didn't understand. Whatever words he said made the purple light come back, illuminating the sewer.

Y/n winces, trying to adjust her eyes to the light. "Apologies." Angor tells her as he gets up, the orb of purple light following him as he walks a few steps, pulling on what seemed to be a rope, gently, muttering to himself.

Y/n rolled her eyes, her eyes landing on Angor latch where he kept his knife. Immediately a light bulb appeared in her head. She could probably fend off Angor, despite him having magic and creepers sun poison on his side. Y/n didn't know much about the magic Angor Rot used, after all, she didn't know much about Angor in general except for some folk tales she's heard about him.

Folk tales before he was the assassin.. when he had a soul.

Y/n needed his knife to make her grand escape. She wasn't going to wait around for her uncle and Jim to come in trying to save her. Angor probably had the whole place riddled with traps. So she had to be smart about it. She eyed Angor as he made his way to the end of the hallway of the sewer, carefully examining the walls and structure.

She let him do his own thing, using her free hand she found pebbles and put those in her hoodie pocket, grinning to herself in the dark as she tried to move around to collect more.

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