Mission Impossible

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Strickler sat at Jim's table staring at his cereal that was probably now soggy due to him neglecting it for the past fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes going by without him knowing if Y/n was still alive or not. He needed to know if she was okay, and he needed the Trollhunter to help him find out with him knowing he was.

He glanced up seeing Draal and Jim sharing a look as they turned their attention back to him. "If you weren't hungry, you could've said that." Jim says as Strickler looks back down at his untouched cereal. He takes a couple of bites before giving in completely, almost downing the whole thing.

Draal reels in disgust. "Impures." He mutters as Strickler shoots him a glare. Strickler puts down the bowl, licking his lips. "So Young Atlas, when will your mother be home?" Strickler asks as Jim raises a brow. "Didn't you hear me on the phone with her? She'll be out all weekend." Jim says, eyeing Strickler with suspicion. It was out of his character not to be tuned into things.

Strickler tries and recovers. "Have you been in touch with your friends?" He asks as Jim's face falters slightly. He pulls out a walkie-talkie. "Come in Tobes, just doing a check-in." Jim says into the microphone, as Toby responds. "Hey Jimbo, war hammer is present and accounted for." Toby answers from the speaker as Jim lets out a sigh of relief. "Alright thanks Tobes, over and out." Jim responds, putting the walkie-talkie back into the counter.

He pulls out his phone and shoots Claire a message to which she responds after a while. He does the same to Y/n, who doesn't respond back immediately like she usually does. Jim frowns as Draal asks him what was troubling him. "Y/n isn't responding." Jim tells Draal as Strickler eyes widen slightly, his eyes lowering when Draal gazes in Strickler's direction.

"Something to say, Impure?" Draal asks as Jim turns to look at Strickler. Strickler clears his throat and fixes his jacket. "I didn't know you were letting just anyone in on your secret." Strickler rebutted as Draal rolled his eyes. Jim shook his head. "She's a complicated case, but she's my friend now and Angor probably has her." Jim says as he paces around thinking of what to do.

Draal frowns, not liking to see Jim stressed. He looks over at Strickler who looked out of it mentally. Draal had a sneaking suspicion that Strickler knew more than he was letting on. "Oi, impure. Where does Angor Rot usually stay?" Draal questions Strickler as Strickler responds with 'my house' and 'the sewers'.

Jim leans on the counter, checking his phone once more. Nothing. He throws it to the counter. "We can't just sit around and wait for Angor Rot to come for us. We need to go for him." Jim says as he grabs his amulet. Draal looks at Jim, "I'd normally say that's a good idea but maybe having patience will be key in coming out of this battle triumphantly." Draal says as Jim thinks about it and nods.

"You did say your mom would be gone all weekend, let's set a trap for him." Strickler suggests as Jim puts down his amulet and nods.

"We're gonna need supplies. I'll tell Tobes and Claire that I need them down in Trollmarket looking for the last Triumbric stone." Jim grins, picking up his phone.

They respond instantly, making his heart warm up. But what he didn't know was that they both put their phones on silent after his instructions, so they didn't receive a text summarizing what transpired during the last two days.


Okay, this was it. Today was going to be the day that Y/n finally got out of the sewers. She thinks she's been in there for about two days? A day and a half-ish? She was never really a math kind of guy.

She had her pebbles, to which she would use to figure out where certain traps where. Or she could swim in the murky water— nope. She'd rather die than have her hair smell like sewer musk.

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