"Coming." I say but before I'd take two steps, the door opens and Grayson steps in.

My eyes widen and my body responds immediately to his presence.

Did he seriously have to enter even when I said I was coming?

Did he not hear me?

"Uh..." He was lost for words as his eyes trails on my body, gaze drowning my body in, almost as if it was a scene he ought to commit to memory. He was lost, dazed even.

I burn in embarrassment. Does he even realize what he's doing? He's shamelessly checking me out.

"Gray," My voice was just above a whisper as I try to get his attention.

"Grayson," I say a little louder since he was still lost in la la land. That did it and seemed to snap him out of it. He blinks and turns his face away abruptly, face flushed, ears tinging pink.

"Please, get out." I could barely hear my own voice.

"Uh... sorry." Without wasting a second, he excuses himself out.

I feel like screaming! Grayson did not just see me in freaking my towel, half dressed!

I place my hands over my thumping heart and with wobbly feet, I manage to walk to my closet and pull out my pajamas.

Calming my still racing heart down by letting in and out several breaths, I put the pajamas on. When I felt like I was okay, I called him in.

When he enters, I gingerly pat the space next to me. He sits, eyes not leaving mine, studying me like a dream he never wants to wake up from, a dream if he dares blink would vanish.

I place my palm over his hand that was on his lap and squeeze it softly, "I'm not going anywhere." A smile graces my lips.

He blinks, "Sorry." A sad smile on his face, "It's just we haven't been like this," he motions with his hand "in a long while."

"I know." I smile, "I'm ready to let it all go. I forgive you."

"There's something I need to tell you." A distant look crosses his face.

My heart starts to race at the possibility of his words somehow relating to Anne. I gulp.

Are they together now?

"W-what's it?" I mutter and hold my breath waiting for his reply.

"My mom is back."

"Your mom?" I say confusion lacing my tone, "Was she in a coma and is now awake or? I don't get."

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite tell you much about her because it was difficult for me to talk about h-her. She wasn't in a coma and no, she isn't dead. She divorced my Dad and now she returned."

"I thought she was..."

"I know, I didn't correct you when you implied you thought she was. I'm sorry."

So that was why he got emotional anytime I brought up his mother. He was still hurting from her actions. To him, she was dead.

I wanted to ask why he's telling me this now when he could have while we were dating but instead, "When did she, I mean come back?" I ask.

He looks away and stares into the distance. "The day we broke up."

Gosh, no no no. No!

Guilt seeps into my being immediately, "I'm sorry."

I can't believe I caused him pain, and it had to be that day...

Why did it have to be that same day?

"Don't worry, I'm okay." He sounded like he was trying to convince himself.

"Are you?" I question, staring deep into his eyes, trying to find truth in his next response.

There was an internal battle within him, I could see it. "I'm not okay." He answers truthfully, he definitely wasn't okay.

I pull him into me, arms encircling his waist as I rub his back in circle patterns. "It's going to be okay. You're going to be okay."

He releases himself out of my grip, and inches closer towards me. He cups my cheek and like second nature I lean into him.

Staring deep into my eyes,  "Can we get back together?" He utters.

 I pull away from his hold, my mind whirling in thoughts.

"I don't know. Can we be friends just for now?" I turn my face away, unable to hold his stare.

With his fingers, he turns my face back to meet his eyes, "I get it, I really appreciate you wanting us to be friends after so much has  happened between us, but I won't pretend like I don't want you back as my girlfriend. I really miss you."

I bite my lip in contemplation, after a while I sigh, "You have to settle things with your mom. You have to talk to her."

"Will you take me back if I fix things with her? If I listen to whatever she has to say, will you let me be your boyfriend again?"


"Pleaaase." He begs.


His eyes lights up immediately, "You won't go back on your word?"

"I promise but you also have to apologise to Devi for hitting him."

"I will." He smiles and hugs me. "Thank you so much."

He pecks my cheek unexpectedly and we both freeze. I wasn't expecting it so I try to pull away but he stops me, now we were nose to nose, our lips nearly touching, just a slight effort and our lips would be touching. I quickly push on his chest. This time around, he lets go.

"You have to go." I say getting up from the bed.



I know its been long, my honest apologies.

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