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"Wait. Wait. Wait. It was your sister?!" Toni asked. It had been a few days since the procedure and she had finally been allowed to visit Alex. Britt and Jamie were needed for Dynamite so she had made a point to be there. Lacey had gone back to Pittsburg to go home to her family but had taken the three days she had been there to catch up as much as she could with her brother.

"Mhm. I've told you all since the match was found that it was her but none of you believe me." Toni shook her head as she chuckled.

"We just thought that the posts had worked." Alex chuckled softly.

"It did in a way. Made her insistent to meet me which they typically don't allow." She could see how genuinely happy he was about everything.

"So moving on from that...." Alex could already tell where this was leading. "Since we haven't really had a chance to talk since that last video call..."

"You're really still asking about that aren't you? She's already told me about the group chat." Toni turned red. Britt had come clean to her two best friends about the fact that they had finally opened up to each other and the girls had been grilling her for more information.

"But I want to ask you about itttttt." She whined causing him to chuckle.

"You know I'm not a talker." She rolled her eyes.

"That is a bold face fucking lie." He chuckled as he shook his head.

"What do you want to know?" Her eyes met his as a smile appeared on her lips. Britt had told Toni that he had been more comfortable sharing with both her and Jamie.

"Did you kiss her? Or did she kiss you?" He chuckled.

"How do you know we've kissed?" She started laughing.

"Because you just told me!" He threw a straw wrapper at her hitting her square in the nose.

"I did not." She couldn't help her laughter.

"But you did! Now tell me. Who was it?" He was eyeing her. He couldn't tell if she was serious or not and he didn't want to blow it. "Come on Alex. Your face can't lie." He knew he wasn't smirking and his cheeks didn't feel hot. She was bluffing him.

"We haven't kissed Toni." She was staring him down trying to get him to break.

"Alex. You can't lie about it forever." His face was stoic. "Just tell me one thing...." She paused as he raised an eyebrow at her. "Does she still taste like cherries?" His eyebrows furrowed together as he looked at her confused.

"What?" A smirk appeared on her lips as he blinked trying to figure out if what she was saying is true. Before Toni could say anything her phone rang and Britt's name appeared on her screen.

"Hello there beautiful." Toni turned and she could see Alex still dumbfounded in the background.

"What did you do to him?" The Aussie started laughing.

"I told him you taste like cherries." The brunette turned bright red.

"You fucking did not. My god Toni. That was one drunk night." Britt could see his mouth open and close at her words.

"Wait what.....?" He was still flabbergasted.

"I could fucking kill you." She said while looking at her best friend who was still laughing.

"Alex. Britt got absolutely pissed one night and kissed me." He could see Britt go entirely red at Toni's words.

"You did what now?" A smirk started to appear on his lips as he chuckled.

"She got blasted off of dirty Shirley's and full blown stuck her tongue down my throat." Jamie overheard the conversation and smashed into Britt so she could see the other two.

"Toni you are not telling him that story!?" She said causing Toni to laugh as she bit down on her finger nodding. Jamie smirked. "Alex.... Does she still taste like cherries because that is all Toni says." They all could tell he was looking at Britt. He wanted to stay silent but he just couldn't. He bit down on the inside of his cheek before the words finally came out.

"She didn't but that sounds like a good time." Britt's mouth dropped just as a slight smirk appeared across Alex's lips. Jamie and Toni went silent processing his words.

"I hate you." Britt was the first one to say something. "I'm going to kick your ass later." She commented causing him to laugh.

"You would never." She rolled her eyes.

"Watch me asshole. We've got to go though so I'll call you before I get on the plane." He nodded before the call was quickly ended.

"She's going to kill you but.... Answer my damn question. Was it you or her?" He rolled his eyes as he chuckled.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Toni nodded.

"I very much would." She replied back causing him to laugh.

"Maybe one day I'll tell you." She groaned as she adjusted in the hard hospital chair.

"So how long are you cooped up in here? Britt said it at one point but I don't remember what she said." He chuckled Jamie and Britt were the ones that had done the research on his disease while Toni had opted to just let him tell her about it. He knew it wasn't because she was lazy but more so she had a bit of a talking point with him.

"At least three weeks. Have to build my immune system back up hence why they asked you a thousand questions and put a cover over your cast." She nodded in understanding. "Sorry she roped you into this." Toni chuckled.

"Don't be honestly. Can't really do much else with my entire arm in a cast. So at least I have someone to chill with instead of in an empty house with your adorable puppers." A small smile appeared on Alex's lips. While Britt had been the one to mainly watch Ripley, Toni was watching her when her best friend had to travel.

"She been good for you?" The blonde nodded.

"Of course. Though I have to say I'm sorry I taught her a really bad thing." He groaned before chuckling lightly.

"You didn't did you?" Toni nodded a smirk appearing on her lips.

"Well it started with Britt and then I got her to keep doing it."

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