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"Britt. I-I can't do this." Alex's voice was shaky as he spoke. It was the day before he would be getting treatment and they had been speaking about meeting the person donating bone marrow. Britt moved closer to him, her feet tucking beneath his thigh as she leaned into him.

Though it had been a month since their near kiss nothing more had happened between the two. The only thing she had begun to notice was that he wasn't shying away from the affection like he usually did. Instead he was typically the one to initiate it.

His arm wrapped gently around her waist as her head moved to rest along his shoulder. She took his free hand and began to play with his fingers.

"What are you worried about Alex?" A sigh escapes his lips as his chin moved to rest along the top of her head.

"I just.... I don't know Britt." She carefully pulled away so she could look into his eyes.

"Alex you and I both know the chances of it being her are slim to none. You're probably going to be meeting some biker dude that's going to see me and squeal like a three year old." He chuckled.

"I hope so." She curled into him her head tucking into his neck. "Britt." This time his words were different. Almost hesitant. "I need to be honest with you about something." She unconsciously held her breath. She slowly nodded. She didn't know whether or not to look up at him so she stayed in her spot. "I-I." His voice cracked and his words stopped. He cleared his throat trying to find the words. "Fuck me. I honestly don't know how to say this." She adjusted slightly before her eyes met his.

The hand that she had been playing with moved so his fingertips could brush along her jaw. Even though everything in her screamed to lean forward and connect their lips she opted to lean into his touch. His eyes were on hers and she could tell he had no idea what to do or say.

"Just say it." She tried to guide him but could still see him hesitate. "Alex...." For once there was a bold tone to his actions. He leaned forwards his lips pressing to hers as he cut her off. He couldn't take it anymore.

Britt melted into Alex. Her hands moved to cup his face as their lips slotted together. Their lips moved in a perfect rhythm. Neither wanted to pull away. However he was the one that had to. When he pulled away to catch his breath he could feel her thumbs along his skin. Her nose brushed along his as they both slowly caught their breaths.

"Do I still have to say it?" He said quietly causing her to laugh. Her head shook before her lips connected with his for a moment. When she pulled away she moved so her lips could run along his cheek before stopping at his ear.

"Want me to say it for the both of us?" A light chuckle left his lips. As he thought about it she felt a kiss along her jaw before he nodded. "I have feelings for you too Alex." Out of the corner of her eye should could see him smile. Carefully she shifted before she straddled his lap. His hands gently moved to rest along her hips as hers moved to the back of his neck.

"You are absolutely gorgeous." She couldn't help herself. She leaned forwards and her lips connected with his. As she pulled away her fingers threaded in his hair.

"You won't believe it but you are so perfect." He shook his head before she nodded. "Don't you even try to fight me on this."

"I will do what I want." Her hand moved over his mouth so he couldn't say anything else. When his lips pressed to her palm she couldn't help the smile that appeared on her lips. Instead of talking more she opted for the better option. Her hand moved from over his mouth before her arms wrapped around him.

This hug was different. Softer. More comforting.

His nose tucked into her neck before her lips pressed to his shoulder. Both of them completely relaxed into the embrace.

"I don't know what you see in me." He said after the longest time. She pulled away looking into his eyes as she played with the ends of his hair.

"Alex. You are one of the kindest, gentlest, sweetest and the most caring person I have ever met. What I see is that you are completely misunderstood by everyone because they don't take the time to get to know you." When he chuckled she couldn't help but laugh along with him. "Alright well maybe it's because you didn't want to talk to them but then I could ask you what you saw in me that made you want to open up." He shrugged as his hands moved to run along her sides.

"You're just you." His fingertips came up to place a piece of hair that had fallen back behind her ear.

"That's not a good excuse." He chuckled softly before his lips gently pressed to her cheek.

"But it is. There will only ever be one of you. Perfect, kind, understanding and best of all you're a genuine person who doesn't give a fuck what anyone else says or thinks. You do what you want to do and when you've got your mind set to something you achieve your goal. Nobody could ever be like you." Her eyes met his. For the first time he had been open about how he felt about her and it took her back. She had no words to respond instead her lips pressed to his.

Their lips moved leisurely neither wanting to pull away. When they finally did she leaned into him hugging him tightly.

"I care about you so much Britt." Those words hit her to her core. He had told her many times before they weren't words he said. Her lips pressed to his jaw.

"I care about you immensely Alex." It's almost as if she could feel the relief wash over his body as she said those words. He relaxed back into the cushions carefully bringing her with him. His arms gently wrapped around her body as she melted into him. "We are not telling Toni or Jamie." He chuckled.

"You think they're not gonna know?" He could hear her laugh before her head moved to rest along his chest. She listened to his calm and steady heart beat before answering.

"Oh they've thought we've been dating for months. They're just waiting for the confirmation." It was almost as if on cue that Britt's phone started ringing. She groaned noticing that it was a video call.

"Answer it. They're probably wanting to talk to me anyway but they know I won't answer." She looked up at him. "You're the only person I really pick up my phone for." Her lips pressed to his cheek before she carefully adjusted. Her legs draped across his lap before she leaned into him. Almost immediately she felt his arm wrap around her back carefully keeping her steady. His free hand gently moved to run along her thigh as a long sigh escaped her lips. She answered the call and was greeted by both Toni and Jamie.

"Where is he.... Wait. Are you?" Britt rolled her eyes before the camera panned to Alex. "Jamie they fucked."

"We most certainly did not." Britt instantly responded.

"Alllllexxxxxx did you finally kiss her." Jamie singsonged. The brunette looked up and purposely kept the camera off of him after she saw his cheeks turn bright red.

"Nawh she kissed him Jamie." Britt heard Alex chuckle and couldn't help the slight smirk that appeared on her lips.

"What do you two assholes want?" She asked as she relaxed even more into him. Her head moved back to resting along his chest as she felt his fingertips begin to run along her spine.

"Well we wanted to check on him and see how he was doing before tomorrow but now we want to know what's going on between you two." Jamie spoke for the both of them. They both got a glimpse of Alex kissing the top of Britt's head before he answered.

"I'm alright and as for us. I think you both have eyes."

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