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Jamie watched as Alex and Ripley walked into Britt's house, taking a seat next to the brunette. His hood was pulled over his head and though it was a hot summer day he was still shivering. Britt's arm gently moved behind his back before he was pulled into her. It had been a month since he started treatment and it had taken its toll on him. Ripley moved to lay beneath him, not leaving his side.

"Would you look at the cute couple." Toni commented when she walked in and saw the sight of Britt and Alex. Both of them rolled their eyes at her. "How ya doin?" Toni asked him before he simply shrugged his shoulders.

"Still no matches?" Jamie asked before he shook his head. "Would you let us get fucking tested already?" He shook his head still being stubborn.

"You want a large ass needle drilled into your hip? Or even better sit at a hospital for eight hours while they recycle your blood after you have a mass of injections?" They all looked at him before Britt answered.

"If it would help, none of us would care." He shook his head.

"But I care about y'all enough to not want ya to being treated like lab rats." They all looked at him.

"Oh my god..... Ladies it's happening." Toni commented as she grabbed Jamie's arm.

"The grinch's heart is growing." He rolled his eyes at Britt's playful words before he leaned into her.

"Always had a heart...." He commented before his voice dropped to where he thought no one would hear but Britt clearly could. "Just nobody to care about." She could feel him adjust before his head fell to her shoulder. All of them could tell he had, had a rough day of treatment. His eyes closed just as the brunettes hand made its way into his hair. All of them knew he would be asleep in minutes, she just had that way with him.

"Wine?" Jamie asked quietly earning a nod from the other two women. They all knew he was asleep but her words were still soft. She got up moving towards where she knew Britt kept the wine and glasses.

"He's really not doing well is he?" Toni asked once Jamie handed her a filled glass.

"He won't admit it but he's not." Both of them could tell the words were hard for her to say. She cared about him more than she would admit. "From what I've gathered the last time they tried looking for bone marrow it took them years. What they didn't tell him until weeks after was that they all but forced his little sister into it because they couldn't afford to keep paying for more treatments. Something went wrong after the fact and she wound up in the hospital for nearly a month. That's why he doesn't want any of us to do it."

"He really is a complicated one isn't he?" Jamie asked earning a nod. The two on the other couch watched as Alex adjusted before his head moved into her lap his arms wrapping around his stomach as he curled into a ball. Britt didn't even hide the fact that her hand moved back into his hair playing with his long blonde locks.

"Okay when are you two going to admit to yourselves that this isn't just friendship?" Toni questioned earning the eye roll she got from the brunette.

"That's never going to happen." She replied almost immediately before she looked at Jamie who seemed lost in a thought. "What's got you so distracted?"

"He's said he doesn't want any of us doing it right?" Britt nodded. "Well he never said we couldn't try and find someone willing to donate it that he doesn't know." She looked down at him before meeting Jamie's line of sight.

"He honestly would never know about it." The three devised a plan before they posted it all over their social medias knowing Alex would be none the wiser. Almost instantly they all had texts from their coworkers asking where they could get tested. The three exchanged a glance looking at Alex for a moment before telling them. What he wouldn't know wouldn't kill him.

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