Makeup Chairs

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"Wait, wait, wait. You're telling us he's 33 and has never had any sort of birthday celebration?" Jamie asked Britt as they were getting their hair done. Unfortunately Alex had felt unwell the day following their chat and wasn't able to celebrate so they had decided to plan it for the following weekend. She was now at Dynamite telling some of the other girls the lesser details of the conversation they had the previous weekend.

"Apparently not once." They all looked at her shocked. "I know. Hence why I need to figure out what to do that's not ridiculously over the top." Toni Storm looked at her with a smirk.

"You mean do something that is just enough to show that you care about him but not enough that it's obvious." Britt simply laughed at the blondes words causing them to all look at her like she was crazy. "Britt you can't tell us that you don't have some sort of feelings for him. Jamie and I saw the way you looked at him...."

"And we all hear how you've been talking about him." Saraya commented before the brunette rolled her eyes at all of them.

"I may but trust me when I say he has absolutely no interest in having anything more than friends." They all were baffled at her words.

"You're lying so you shut us all up." Jamie said before she shook her head.

"He's never had a girlfriend and has told me that even friends are too much commitment. I highly doubt he will ever have a girlfriend." Toni smirked at her words.

"He will once he comes to his senses." She commented earning the eye roll she got from Britt.

"Quite frankly I'm happy in the place that I'm at right now. After all the bullshit with Austin it's been nice not having to worry about what another person is doing behind your back." They all were staring at her in awe. Britt simply sat back in her chair as they finished up her hair.

"But if the time is right?" Ruby Riott asked causing a slight smirk to appear on Britts face.

"Then we shall see what happens." She commented. "I mean lets be real, he's twice the man Austin will ever be."

"Bitch." Each and every woman around her heard Adam Coles words and their heads snapped towards him . Britt simply rolled her eyes as she saw him in the mirror walking behind her.

"Go ahead call me a bitch all you want. At least I'm not the one that has to get their micropenis complimented by fans to feel better about myself." Before he could say anything in response Roderick Strong came over and quickly ushered him away.

Just about everyone had been on Britt's side when it came to their breakup and her words were nothing but the truth. Adam had cheated on her with a fan because the two had started to drift apart. Jamie was the one that caught him in the middle of the act and needless to say he walked out with a black eye that night.

"Lord I want to smack him senseless again." Jamie commented before half of the women there agreed. Britt simply rolled her eyes as she sat back in her chair.

"He will always be a man child." She commented before the crowd around her finally started to disperse so they could get ready for their respective segments. As Britt moved into the makeup chair she looked at her phone only to see her security system alerting her to someone at her front door. "What the fuck?" She said drawing Jamie's attention before looking at it only to realize it was Alex. Quickly she sent a text to him.

You alright?

She received a response from him almost instantly.

You free?

Once she responded with a yes she could see his name appear on her phone. She answered the call earning a smirk from Jamie who saw the man's name.

"You good?" She could hear him chuckled before she heard what sounded like an inhaler.

"I went for a run and underestimated the humidity...." He paused catching his breath for a moment. "Your steps looked a lot better than the grass. Sorry Britt." She laughed at his words.

"Don't worry about but for using my porch you owe me." Even though she couldn't see it she knew his eyebrow raised in question.

"What do ya need?" Jamie saw Britt bite her lip and she was fully invested in the conversation they were having.

"I need you to watch Dynamite tonight." The other woman shook her head and laughed at the doctors words. When she leaned in to hear his response Britt had to stop herself from pushing Jamie away.

"Dynamite? What the fuck is that?" Alex could hear a scuffle over the phone before he heard two voices.

"He doesn't know what Dynamite is I need to scold him." This accent was new and was definitely someone he didn't know.

"I am going to tell him would you give me a fucking second. It's my god damn phone." He chuckled as he heard Britt's frustrated response. Finally the brunette won the battle and got her phone back. "Sorry I had a dumbass fight me for my phone." His chuckle caused her to smile as Jamie scoffed at his words. "Just turn on TBS at eight and you will see."

"I can do that." The words made her smile even bigger. "Shall I assume that this is your wrestling gig?"

"You're going to have to see to know." Another chuckle.

"I will watch it then...." He paused for a moment before his next words caught her off guard. "Hey, when are you back from your trip?" Jamie's eyes went wide at his words as a smirk appeared on her face.

"Tomorrow." Britt could see the makeup artist getting slightly frustrated at the fact that she was still on the phone. "I have to get back to it so I'll see you then yeah?"

"Definitely. You need a ride from the airport?" Jamie answered for her.

"She does and she lands at 5. She'll see you then." Alex chuckled.

"See you then Britt." Britt shoved Jamie once she was off the phone.

"I land at 5 am. He's not going to want to pick me up then!" She said before the other woman simply rolled her eyes.

"Text him and prove yourself wrong." Britt bit the inside of her cheek contemplating whether or not to text him and cancel or to tell him that it was in the morning. That's when he took the situation into his own hands.

Am or pm?

Jamie could see Britt bite her lower lip and she simply laughed as the other woman responded to him.

Am but you don't have to come. I know it's early.

Alex's response came instantly.

Not that early. I'll see you then. Look for an old truck.

As she looked at her phone confused she could see Jamie give her a questioning look.

"I've only seen him ride his motorcycle. Never seen a truck but apparently he's picking me up in a truck." Britt simply got a laugh at her words before Jamie responded.

"Cares about you enough to bring a truck.... Definitely not going to go anywhere."

AN- First all.... Please don't hate me for making Adam Coke the bad guy. I love him and love him and Britt together just needed some spice to all of this.
Second, I hope everyone is enjoying the story ❤️

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