Backstage Pt. 1

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"What's got you so into your phone today?" Renee asked knowing Britt was rarely one to be on her phone when she was backstage. The brunette looked up from her phone her eyes meeting the blondes.

"Oh thank fuck it's you. I need your help." Renee looked at her absolutely confused. "I need you to go find a person in the crowd."

"I mean I can try but I can't promise you anything. I'm like the shortest person here looking for someone completely random." Britt chuckled before pulling up a picture of Alex. "Oh... I can definitely find him." Renee had a knowing smile on her face.

"Don't you even start. He's a friend and nothing more." It had been a month since she was in the ring and her shoulder and collarbone had fully healed. What worked out in her favor was that Dynamite had wound up in Orlando so she was able to just about force Alex to come to a show. Thankfully it was a normal match between her and Tay that would be a nice refresher that would get her ready for her matches to come. "I'll tell him you're coming for him so he knows to not be an airhead."

"You sure there's nothing between you two?" Renee asked earning a nod from Britt who was now being called in for makeup. "I'll get him to you. Don't worry about it."

"Thank you Renee." She pulled the blonde into a hug before running off towards where she was needed. Renee however went to look for Alex. She found him leaning against one of the barricades. She looked him up and down thinking one thing. They were made for each other even if they wouldn't admit it. He was wearing a dark shirt, with a flannel overtop of it, jeans and a backwards Pittsburgh penguins cap.

"You the one she bribed to come and get me?" Renee laughed at his words.

"That I am. Now come on. I think we both know it's best not to keep her waiting." He chuckled as he nodded. Carefully he hopped over the barricade, the small blonde shooing away much larger security guards as he did. "I'm Renee by the way. You'll find I'm the one that typically does all the girls shit when they're getting ready." She said once the two were walking towards backstage.

"Alex. But to Britt I'm like her purse pit bull." The other blonde couldn't help but laugh at his words. "It's nice to meet you though. Britt has told me a lot about you."

"Hope only good things." He nodded. "So why is she dragging you back here?"

"It's actually my fault. I forgot about the lights in the show." She looked at him for a moment before it hit her.

"Yeah it's probably best that you're back here then." There was a slight smile on his face as he nodded. Finally the two were at Britt's makeup chair. "Here he is lovely. Was lovely meeting you Alex."

"And you as well." Alex's eyes met Britt's in the mirror before the two exchanged a smile. "Long time no see." He joked.

"You going to be okay with all the noise?" He nodded.

"I'll be fine back here. It's the lights mainly. Though I may try and sneak out to see your match." He saw the smile on her lips get bigger.

"I can ask Jamie to sneak you out there. She's been dying to meet you." He chuckled.

"That works." Britt watched as Wardlow passed the two raising an eyebrow at her as he noticed Alex behind her. She knew she would be getting a thousand questions from him later. He was worse than the women in that aspect.

Slowly Alex's hands moved into his pockets. Britt could see him start to shut down as he noticed more and more people staring at them. That was until she saw a shoulder deliberately shove into his.

"Austin I swear to fucking god." Just his name coming from her mouth got the attention of the women around them who just about immediately surrounded Britt.

"What a small guy needing all these girls to protect him." Adam Cole commented. Alex turned around finally eyeing the guy that had bumped into him.

"My dude I don't know you but clearly the fact that all these women are about ready to chop your head off says a lot. While I'd happily let any of these more than able women kick your ass, all they'd have to do is say the word and you'd be laid out. Bump me again and we'll see who can actually take a punch." Finally able to move Britt turned before catching Alex's arm. She knew he wouldn't do a thing but also needed the slight bit of reassurance. Adam took a step towards the other man before they all heard a voice they didn't want to hear.

"Britt. Austin. Are we good?" Kenny Omega said as he came into the picture placing himself in front of Adam.

"He needs to leave." Though Alex was getting death glared, he remained calm and cool. Kenny looked at Britt and the man in front of her before he turned towards Adam.

"You need to walk away." Kenny's words were simple and to the point. Everyone knew he was the one still hung up over it. Still thought Britt was his.

"This motherfucker threatened me and you're gonna sit there and tell me to walk away?!" Adams voice raised as he spoke. Kenny looked over his shoulder at the man who still had his hands in his pocket.

"Yes I am. Now grow the fuck up. Own up to your mistakes and let it the fuck go you dumbass." Adam stormed off in a huff causing Kenny to follow after him.

"Why did Kenny have to step in...?!" Toni groaned before turning towards Britt and Alex. "I get the first punch then you can drop him." He chuckled at the blondes words before nodding.

"God he's a fucking manchild." Britt said in a huff as she slid out of the makeup chair. "Toni, Alex, Alex this is Toni the lovely woman who nearly broke my collarbone."

"Okay look. That speaker was a cunt." Britt laughed at her words before pulling her into a hug. "You doing alright though love?" She nodded.

"I'm amazing. Happy to finally get back into the ring." When Alex chuckled behind her, he felt her elbow go into his side.

"Oh come on. You were driving us both fucking nuts." He commented before both of them saw her roll her eyes. Jamie who came across the three having a conversation stopped and joined in noticing the new face.

"I was not." Britt said before she saw her best friends face and immediately smashed her into a hug. "Lord I missed you."

"You could've easily come to visit but noooooo you were too busy." Jamie could see Alex roll his eyes as he chuckled.

"Busy driving me insane." His comment caused him to be shoved by Britt.

"You know I was going to introduce her to you but now I don't think I will." His eyes met hers as he smirked.

"I mean I'm pretty sure she's figured out who I am already...." His eyes moved towards the two women behind Britt before a slight smile appeared on his lips. "It's nice to finally meet you both. Britt's told me a lot of stories about y'all."

"Oh lord." Toni commented earning a chuckle from Alex before he responded.

"Some of them were interesting to say the least."

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