Backstage Pt. 2

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"Wanna head out there?" Jamie asked Alex before he nodded. Britt's match was up next and she wanted to get him out there for her entrance. "Wait before we do. Are you okay with some small explosions?" He chuckled.

"Yeah I am. Just have to watch with the lights is all." The two exchanged a smile before she nodded.

"Shall we sneak you out there?" He chuckled a smile appearing on his lips as he nodded. She had grown accustomed to him not speaking much. To her it seemed that he truly only came out of his shell and spoke more than a few words, when he was with Britt. He followed her out of the backstage area to where they could see the stage and the ring with very little fans around.

Just as they got out there Adam Cole lost his match. Jamie couldn't help but laugh at the result. Gently her hand landed on Alex's forearm before she pulled him back away from the barricade knowing the angry wrestler would be coming their way.

"Last thing we want is to be in his way." Just as she got the comment out she could see Adam staring directly at the man next to her. She knew the other man was seeing red as he grabbed a drink from a fan, popped the lid off and thrust the liquid towards the two. The cold drink hit Alex directly in the side of the face, some of it splashing on to her as Britt's music hit.

Jamie could see Alex trying to keep his composure as he wiped the liquid off of his face. Britt walked out and caught sight of the drenched man just before Jamie stepped in front of him her hand on his chest. Her jaw tensed and she couldn't narrow it down as to whether it was from the sight of Adam laughing as he walked away or her best friends hand on Alex.

"I am going to fucking murder him." Jamie commented as she felt cola dripping down her arm.

"I'll help." She could hear the anger in his voice but knew he wasn't going to do anything. He slid his flannel off using the dry side of it to wipe his face and neck. When he noticed her hand still on his chest he discreetly moved away from her touch. "Wanna get some of that off of you?" He said before he offered her the semi dry flannel. She took it with a smile wiping the drink off of her arm.

"I hope you know I'm showing you to Kenny so that fucker can get what's coming to him." He chuckled before nodding.

"Fine by me." He said before he went quiet his eyes on Britt as her match began. Jamie never saw his eyes leave the brunette as she wrestled like she hadn't been gone a day. Once her match was over his hands moved into his pockets before he followed Jamie backstage, the sticky drink still dripping off of him.

"You know she has never been so calm backstage especially after an injury. Was really nice to see." A small smile appeared on Alex's lips as she spoke. "She's going to hate me for saying this but thank you for keeping her happy and safe. After all the shit with Austin she wasn't her normal self until she met you even if it was a horrible way to meet someone."

"Is it safe to assume Austin is the one that likes to blindside people because he's a child?" She nodded.

"I don't know how much she's told you about him because quite frankly I don't blame her for not wanting to talk about him but I'll tell you this. They were together for seven years, got to the point where they didn't know what they wanted to do anymore. He decided one day at the end of a meet and greet he was going to invite a fan to his locker room and long story short I was the one that happened to find him with his pants down." She watched as he shook his head at her words. "The worst part of it all is the asshole still doesn't believe that she's done with him when it's all she wants. You've been the first thing able to distract her from all the bullshit." As she ended her sentence she could see Tony Kahn walking towards them.

"Would you both come with me." His words were quick and Jamie knew not to fuck around. Alex however was confused. He only started moving when his bicep was gently grabbed by her.

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