Road Trips Pt. 1

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"You sure you want to come?" Britt asked Alex for the thousandth time as he helped Ripley into the backseat.

"Would you stop asking me. I wouldn't have offered if I didn't want to. Plus I needed to get out of the house." He said before getting in and starting her car. She had a show in Nashville the next evening and all of the planes were booked. When he found out he had offered to drive up there with her, Toni and Jamie so they could all make it to the show in time.

"You sure you'll be alright?" He chuckled as he nodded. Though he was still weak he hadn't gone through any treatment in the past week and had another week off giving him the perfect window of opportunity to accompany her to a show.

"Britt. I will be fine. There's three other more than capable drivers if I need rest and it's a ten ish hour drive. I've done longer while sicker. This is nothing." She eyed him before nodding trusting his words as he backed out of her driveway. "Who we grabbing first?"

"Jamie then Toni. Toni's closer to the highway." He nodded as she flicked the radio on. She directed him to Jamie's house with ease. Once he pulled into the driveway they both watched as she ran towards the car. Her bag was thrown into the trunk quickly before she hopped in smashing the two into a tight hug. Once she released them she took her seat in the back scratching Ripley behind the ears as she did.

"Thought you said he wasn't coming Britt." Alex chuckled at Jamie's words causing him to be shoved by the brunette.

"Do that again and you'll be driving." He commented earning the flick to the ear he got from Britt.

"I thought he would back out." She commented before she saw him roll his eyes.

"Y'all should know by now that if I say ima do something I'm going to do it." Britt simply rolled her eyes before directing him towards Toni's house.

Before the car could even pull into the driveway the Aussie was running out her door a large suitcase and bag of snacks in tow. Jamie didn't even hesitate to get out helping Toni get her bags in the car. The two in the front exchanged a glance as the others slid into the back excited.

"Look. Yous need to change your attitude because music blasting and fun is required on this road trip." Toni said causing Alex to chuckle.

"Music was never a question. Fun.... That's y'all's cup of tea." They all looked at him before laughing. 

"We're going to teach you how to be fun." Britt commented before he chuckled as he shook his head. She could see him biting back a smile as she set the gps up to the hotel they would be staying at.

Britt, Jamie and Toni took turns choosing songs as they drive down the highway. Alex was quiet as he drove simply listening to the conversations they were having and the music that was playing.

"Alex...?" He hummed a yes at Jamie's words. "Favorite type of ice cream?"

"That's actually a tough one." Britt watched as his fingers tapped on the wheel as he thought about it. "Either chocolate or black cherry, but the two mixed together is even better."

"Not a mix in person?" Toni asked.

"She never asked. Gotta have sprinkles, hot fudge and caramel. Bananas, cookie dough or brownies on a real good day." Britt eyed him.

"What kind of sprinkles?" She asked.

"Rainbow always." He could see Jamie shaking her head in the back. "What? Chocolate sprinkles are always old and stale. Rainbow are always amazing and fresh."  He looked over at Britt for a moment. "You ever try Superman?"

"What in the fuck is Superman?" Toni asked.

"Did I ask you?" He commented earning the light smack he got on the side of his head from her.

"Never have." Britt watched as he shook his head.

"You all are missing out. Though it's insanely sweet and only good for a few bites it's that type of ice cream that brings you back to your childhood." She turned the radio down noticing that he was more talkative than usual.

"Here's another random one..." Toni began. "Salty or sweet popcorn."

"Another good one but I have to say both. But only because I was ruined in England by their amazing popcorn." Jamie and Toni simply laughed knowing what he was talking about but Britt looked at him questioning him. "When you go there they have so many choices. For one you get your choice of salty, sweet or both. Then you can choose a topper which is basically like some type of candy that's the same size as popcorn that you mix in and it's so fucking good. Almost like chocolate covered popcorn but better."

"And you assholes told me the movies weren't worth it." Britt commented.

"We never said that. We said the movies out weren't worth it." She shook her head at Toni's words. "Look next time we will take you no matter the movie."

"Damn right you will." She said before she looked over at Alex. "Can we stop for food? All this talk and now I'm starving." The two in the back agreed with her causing him to chuckle.

"Can do. I'll just let Ripley run while y'all eat." The two women in the back exchanged a glance knowing they had been on the road for nearly five hours and he still hadn't eaten.

"Stomach still fucked up?" Britt asked earning a small nod.

"Typically takes weeks before it goes somewhat back to normal. Only thing that sucks is I'm sure something will have changed in my palette, so something like pizza soon enough will be the most repulsive thing to me." He could see them all shaking their heads at his words.

"Do the treatments really effect you as much as others say?" Jamie asked genuinely curious.

"Oh totally. So like when I'm getting treatment and the bit after it my appetite is just about gone. But that's because I cannot taste a fucking thing. Like typically I could eat a burger for every meal. Right now. Can't even look at them. They taste nothing like they should." They were all listening as he spoke. "Coffee.... Tastes horrific without milk and typically drink it black. Can't touch an energy drink without gagging. Water is like acid right now."

"Lord..." Toni commented before he chuckled.

"I mean it has it disadvantages but also it's advantages because cupcakes are like heaven to me right now and haribo gummies which I usually hate are gold." Britt looked at him.

"So what you're saying is we need to hit every sweet shop we know for you...." He chuckled and shook his head. "We're doing it. We'll get actual food and Jamie can use her nose to sniff out a bakery." He could see in the rear view mirror Jamie quickly typing away at her phone to find a place to go.

"There's a diner that they say has pie...?" His eyes met hers in the mirror.

"Do they say what kind?" Jamie scrolled some more.

"Apple." Britt watched as Alex thought about it before nodding.

"Tell me where to go."

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