Chapter 9: The Plot Twisters reunited and along with their chaos

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Third point of view

World: Agrabah

Location: Main Street

In the streets of Agrabah, Chronos and Jafar walk together as Chronos looks at Jafar.

Chronos: Have you found the Princess or the Keyhole?

Jafar: It is going slow. I am using all the resources I can to locate her and the Keyhole.

Chronos: Your methods are slow. Just like how you'll be if you let your guard down.

Jafar: Why persist with that group? If you know everything about them, why be so secretive about it?

Chronos looked at Jafar with a silent glare. Jafar backed away slowly as to show he didn't have the right to ask.

Jafar: Forgive me for asking on a touchy subject. With your fixation, there must be some-

Hearing some tired sounds, a red and blue parrot began to descend from above as he landed on Jafar's shoulder.

Hearing some tired sounds, a red and blue parrot began to descend from above as he landed on Jafar's shoulder

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Jafar: Ah, Iago... Have you found the Princess?

Iago: Haaaa! Are you kidding!? I flew EVERYWHERE around this place! I couldn't find her ONE BIT!!

Chronos: Then you didn't look hard enough, bird.

Iago soon became mad at Chronos as the parrot stayed perched on Jafar's left shoulder.

Iago: WHAT!? You try flying through the air and look for someone over rooftops!!

Jafar: Iago! Be silent!!

Iago: But Jafar-!!

Chronos: Is that the ONLY place you looked?

Both Jafar and Iago went silent as they looked at Chronos.

Chronos: ANSWER the question.

Iago: Of course I did. I'm a BIRD! I'm only good for flying up high to see above places like roofs!

Chronos: Then like a rat your "princess" is, why would a rat be hiding above on rooftops with no way to keep running out in the open?

Jafar and Iago looked at each other as the bird crossed his arms and looked at Chronos.

Iago: Then you tell us. WHERE is the Princess "hiding" then?

As to answer, Chronos vanished as Iago blinked and looked around.

Iago: HEY!! WHERE DID YOU GO!? You see, Jafar??? Why the heck are we-

A scream was heard as it came from a stall nearby as Chronos was found inside one of them looking down at something.

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