Chapter 5: Of the Jungle, we shall blaze!

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Soejammy's point of view

Location: Gummi Ship

With all the business finished in the Palace of Azad, it was time to move on to the next world. I was quite happy at the controls driving the ship to the next destination, ignoring all the grumbles and complaints from a certain duck with ruffled feathers about how he should be in charge of driving. The usual complaints that he always gives.

Donald: I specifically said that I drive the ship and that you're not going anywhere near the controls! But you just don't seem to listen when I say that, even though this is my ship!!

Soejammy: If you ever heard of "Cat in the Hat", I do the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you say!!

Donald: Why would a cat WEAR a hat?!

Soejammy: Says the duck wearing a coat and hat~

Donald yelled in frustration as he pulled some of his feathers out, to which amused me. Goofy once again had to play the meditator to calm Donald down as Sora, Mini-Nep, Jiminy and Kitty just watched the scene with some quiet laughs, already seemed used to this by now. Beat however were watching with sweat drops seeing as they weren't used to this interaction between us on the Gummi Ship.

Beat: Is this what it's always going to be like when flying on the ship? Donald and Big Bro always fighting over who gets to fly? Why not just take turns flying it?!

Hearing Beat's comment, Donald turned to look at him looking very serious.

Donald: You weren't in the ship when this happened, but this MANIAC almost had the ship DESTROYED when he had control of the ship and we had to fight some Heartless ships. He was doing twists and turns, sending us around in a loop, going full speed straight into the fight. This is why I do NOT want him near the controls of my ship!

Silence was heard throughout the ship, enough that you could hear a pin drop as we waited for Beat's response. The only response was him looking pale at what they heard before Beat spoke up.

Beat: Maybe... We should just leave... Donald to drive the ship...

I turned my head away from where I was steering as the ship slightly changed direction in a slight tilt.

Soejammy: Oh, come on~ There's no point in having an adventure without some risk for excitement~ Besides, at least I haven't crashed this ship into asteroids like Zapper's ship. Unless of course, you all want me too~

While my eyes were off from the sight ahead of the ship, I could see everyone pointing to me as I took that in to be a voting.

Soejammy: Huh. I didn't know I was great at convincing people. I should do it more often.


Donald rushed up to me and grabbed my head to turn it back to the front as an asteroid WAS HEADED FOR OUR SHIP!!!

Soejammy: Ah, it appears I DID misread what was going on. Hmm... Oops.

Everyone began to yell as I pulled on the gears to begin making the Gummi Ship ascend upward while the asteroid was almost about to collide into us. At the last second, I was able to get everyone and the ship above the hazard and relax from the controls for the moment.

Soejammy: Is... Is everyone okay...?

I looked back to see that Donald was flat against the wall, Goofy as a pancake, Kitty with pale skin with her ears laid back on her head in fright, Beat with his hair frizzed out and Sora... Who was upside down on his chair seeing stars.

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