Chapter 2: Awakening within Traverse Town.

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Soejammy's point of view

World: Traverse Town

Location: 2nd District

Time: Night

I lie on the ground as I felt my head spinning. Waking up slowly in being disoriented after being passed out. I groan softly as I lean against the wall, but fall to my hands and knees.

Soejammy: Augh... My head... I swear... These headaches of mine... They're such a pain...

I began trying to get my surroundings in check as I seemed to be in an alley. I looked behind me to see that I was on the pathway that led to the 3rd District.

Soejammy: If Sora's going to wake up soon... He'll probably be in the 1st District, wonder where he is and then come towards the 2nd District. But...

I soon looked around for Kitty as I became increasingly worried.

Soejammy: I hope that she's safe. Should I check the 3rd District for her location? Or the Alleyway...

I began to try and think as I didn't know what to decide. But knowing I had to find Kitty was my top priority.

Soejammy: Alleyway it is. Let's just hope she's there and not wandering around anywhere...

I began to walk down the alley as I turned the corner to approach the main area of the 2nd District. I looked around to see the Hotel, the Gizmo Shop and the way to the Dalmations' House. I looked around as I remembered something that Kitty had told me before. Kitty had told me that she loves 101 Dalmatians. If she loves the dogs, she may be nearer than I thought.

Soejammy: I hope she's nearby... Or else I'll have to be looking all over for her...

I began to make my way over to where the Dalmatians were as I turned right when nearing the Gizmo Shop. Walking down another alley, I came to one of the two doors that leads to the Dalmatians and even the Alleyway. I walked up to the doors as I took a breath.

Soejammy: If Kitty's here, that's great. No Heartless enters a safe environment zone such as this. So she will be safe. Right?

As I thought about it, I even thought about what happened at the Destiny Islands. I found it weird how Zapper Zaku was there along with those Zako minions. They were from the show SD (Superior Defender) Gundam Force. How were they here? WHY are they here? But importantly, what were we in for if there was slight difficulty for us during the beginning?

Soejammy: One way or another... I have to keep Kitty safe. I don't know why, but I feel like I HAVE to keep her safe...

I opened the doors as I entered the home of the Dalmations.

Location: Dalmatians' House

When I walked inside, I found it to be empty in the first room as I could find Pongo and Perdita as they looked at me.

Soejammy: You must be Pongo and Perdita.

They tilt their head in how I knew who they were. I held up a hand and just shook my head.

Soejammy: I heard there were Dalmatians' here and heard some people talk about this place. But, this place seems big for just two...

Both Pongo and Perdita hung their heads down and looked at a small picture with many dalmatian pups. I got closer to have a look.

Soejammy: You have kids...?

They didn't answer as I could hear whimpering from them. It felt sad when I actually met them vs meeting them while controlling Sora. So I pet Pongo's head and speak to them.

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