Chapter 1: Strangeness in the night and the beginning of an adventure.

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Soejammy's point of view

Location: Kitty's house

Time: Night

I was walking to Kitty's house as we had made arrangements to have Kingdom Hearts binge night in hope of trying to complete the game in one night. Where if someone is in deep play of the game, one of us would switch to go make some food or take a break to restore some energy. Even some of our other friends were invited to come play with us to have chances to play the game too as I checked each controller I had before I packed up my gear to head over. I was excited about tonight as it was the beginning of the Summer Vacation with my friends I knew on Discord with everyone getting some time to hang out.

Soejammy: Hopefully this doesn't turn into a bust and not be something awkward... I really hate awkward situations...

I was soon approaching Kitty's house as some lights were on. I tried knocking on it a few times and waited. But after waiting a few minutes, there was no answer. I raised an eyebrow as I tried knocking on the door once more. But again, there was no answer or any sign of someone being awake inside.

Soejammy: Hello?? Anyone home??

I waited a few more minutes to see if anyone would answer if I tried calling out, but yet there was no answer at the door. I began to get worried as I didn't think Kitty would purposely not answer the door. So, in case Kitty couldn't answer the door, she told me about the hidden key she kept to help make sure I could get inside. Once inside I placed down the gear and equipment I had that was gonna be used to play games tonight. But before I could begin on trying to set up the equipment, I had to make sure Kitty was okay.

Soejammy: I wonder if Kitty is upstairs...?

I walked up the steps to the upper floor of Kitty's house as I seemed to have found her room. I opened it softly and peeked inside to see if she was in there. I did find Kitty, the problem was however, she was sleeping! Here I was worried something may have happened to her, but I found her sleeping in bed. Here I was, worried about what might have happened to Kitty. Only to find that she fell asleep on the night of the party.

Soejammy: Oh well. Can't say that it doesn't happen to some people.

I sat down next to the bed as I placed a hand on Kitty's shoulder and began trying to shake her awake softly.

Soejammy: Kitty~ Kiiiiiitty~

She didn't seem to want to wake up as she tried to swipe my hand away from her softly. I puffed my cheeks softly at how she acted. If she wanted to be like that then I would have to be more creative with how I should wake her up. Luckily, I think I have a good trick that I picked up from a story my mother told me one time that she did with my father. Pulling two bright flashlights from my spare bag, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and set it down near Kitty with the right video to play in 30 seconds. I got to the other end of her bed as I held a laugh back.

Soejammy: Time to make a scene~ This is gonna be hilarious~

I cleared my voice and as I held up the two flashlights in my hands. I waited until the truck horn began to go off as I began to yell. I began to turn on and off the flashlights as they were bright as hell with how much light they produced.


Kitty woke up in a fright as she literally sat up in bed and flailed her arms and screamed from the suddenness of the experience.


I began to chuckle and laugh as I dropped the two flashlights and held my stomach. I was on the floor laughing as I saw Kitty and getting wide awake in bed from this was too much. Now I could see why my mother did it to my dad one time. It's funny as hell!

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